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Come Sail With Me { Fourth Date }



Come Sail With Me

Fourth Date


C O O L E Y     P U B L I S H I N G

W r i t t e n   B y    R a y d o n    C o o l e y

C o v e r   C r e a t e d   By   R a y d o n   C o o l e y


All rights reserved

Reproduction or unauthorized use of any part

of this publication is strictly prohibited by law.

punishable by a $100,000 fine or five years

In prison or both.








        Sunrise started out perfect for sailing in the Florida Keys, a steady six knot wind coming out of the southeast, with clear blue skies. Now, at 11:30 am, the sixty-foot Schooner was riding the wind.

        Kaylin was truly regretting procrastinating on repairs needed to the winch as she leaned back, and with all her might, pulled the sheet. She battled hard against the fury of a twenty-five-knot wind, trying to keep the boat headed in the right direction, then secured the line to the cleat. She quickly glanced back over the stern to see how much the ominous black cloud had gained, knowing it was another thirty minutes to the safety of the harbor. As the bow crested the top of another six-foot wave, she glanced over at the newbie with the best smile of confidence she could muster; but with both hands firmly gripping the helm, the expression on Cathy’s face said she wasn’t buying it.

        By the time Kaylin dropped the sails and was carefully motoring her 1980 Schooner into its slot at the harbor, rain was coming down in huge pails with thunder and lightning abound. The two beauties hurriedly secured the boat in place, then made a mad dash for the parking lot where Kaylin’s Bronco waited. They laughed at the sounds their wet butts made while squishing around on the black leather seats as they dried off. Cathy couldn’t tell if she herself was shivering from the rain or trembling from the panicking ordeal, but Kaylin’s words of encouragement caused her giggles to abruptly halt.

“Tomorrow will be a better day.”

        She instantly turned her wide eyes toward her with a serious declaration.

“Oh hell no; hell no; take me home, I will never get on another damned boat.”

        Kaylin countered with a slight giggle, attempting to calm the nerves of her newest teammate.

“Oh come-on girlfriend, that was fun.”

        Cathy quickly denounced her statement about the situation they just escaped.

“Fun; fun; that was flipping crazy; one-hundred-percent flipping crazy; now, take me home.”

        At the age of twenty-seven, Kaylin McDowell has never been married. Taller than the average woman, towering a whopping six-foot-three; and weighing in at a slim one-fifty with long full wavy blonde hair and baby sky-blue eyes; she is a head turner. She prided herself on being highly athletic and knowing a thing or two about sailboats; after all, her father was an avid sailor.

        Three years ago when her father pleaded with Kaylin to join him and his team for the big Schooner race, she considered life to be too hectic at the time but did promise him next year. Now, unconsciously, she was feeling guilty; shortly after losing that race three years ago her father took ill and passed away, leaving her the Schooner.

        Cathy Tibble is a highly energetic twenty-five-year-old with long, natural, fire-engine-red hair and cat-green eyes; a petite woman, standing a mere five-foot-six. She also was raised in a family of sailors, but only took her twenty-foot 2005 Pocket Cruiser out joy riding within the bay when the breeze was light, and waves were mere ripples across the water.

Cathy never thought much about competing, until that day at work when a gorgeous tall blonde walked into the local restaurant and pinned a note upon the bulletin board, then turned and walked back out. She quickly made her way over and read what it said.

{Looking to form a team for the upcoming Schooner race; Some sailing experience required.}

        Two weeks ago when Cathy first stepped onto Kaylin’s sixty-foot Schooner, she appreciated the teak wood that surrounded the outer edge of the deck, taking note of its impeccable condition and freshly sealed. She was also astounded with the interior of the cabin, the highest quality of oak that was well maintained with a dark shiny finish. She considered it to resemble pictures she had seen in the magazine ‘Boats of the rich and famous.’ 

        The two rode in complete silence from the harbor to Cathy’s apartment, and the freak storm was over by the time Kaylin pulled into the parking lot. She placed the Bronco in park and shut off the engine as she complemented her new friend.

“You did good out there today; you were solid.”

        Cathy countered with a sideways glance and weird expression.

“Solid; Kaylin, I was completely terrified.”

        Kaylin turned with a smile and looked straight into her cat-green eyes.

“You and me both, Sweetie; but you kept it together and did what needed to be done.”

        The petite redhead stared out the windshield and slightly shook her head before responding.

“You make it sound as if I had a choice.”

        When she contacted Kaylin concerning the boat race, Kaylin felt deep down inside she had met the one that would become her best friend. Desperate to keep her on the team, she quickly gave some encouragement.

“Cathy; I know we just met a couple of weeks ago, and you don’t know me; but I really want you on the team; I promise, you will do great.”

        She stared into Kaylin’s sky-blue eyes for a moment before softly inquiring.

“Were you really scared?”

Kaylin softly patted her on the shoulder with an admittance.

“Yes, Cathy; I hate storms.”

        Cathy turned and gazed out the windshield, then kicked the can down the road.

“Yeah, me too; can I give you an answer tomorrow?”

Kaylin started the vehicle as she giggled her reply.

“Sure, Babe; I will be at the harbor at sunrise.”

        She sat and watched the tiny frame of the petite redhead sporting her short-short cutoff jeans scampering in the direction of her apartment and whispered a vow to herself.

“I’m going to make you the best damned Coxswain that has ever sailed.”

        Cathy wasted no time washing off today's catastrophe, and with her long straight fire-engine-red hair wrapped in a towel, she pranced around in her birthday suit as she always does. Snatching a fluffy pillow from the bed, she headed for the comfy sofa, pausing long enough to turn on her favorite elevator music before settling in to let the Universe come and give her the answer to her pressing dilemma. She had reached the twilight point where you’re not quite asleep, but you are not awake, when suddenly her psyche brought forth an image of her mother, who had passed a few years earlier, standing in the center of the living-room pointing straight at her and talking with a loud voice.

“If you don’t confront your fears now, you will never make it in life; you will always be a complete failure.”

        Cathy opened her eyes to reality and laid still for a moment listening to the lady cursing in the next apartment, and it was clear she was not happy with her eighteen-year-old son. She rose and went to retrieve her wireless headphones from the entertainment center while laughing to herself about the corky ways the Universe had at sending you the answers you seek.







        It has been over a year since the sixty-foot Schooner had a good cleaning, which the green spots of algae made prevalent; so, as the sun broke over the horizon, Kaylin had her long blonde hair wrapped up on top of her head, scouring the deck in her two-piece black bikini, with a firm grip on the long handle scrub brush. She was lost in deep thought when a familiar voice yelling from the catwalk brought her back to reality.

“If you continue scrubbing in one place too long you will wear a hole in it.”

        She looked up to see Sally smiling up at her; the woman that had been her father’s best friend, with benefits, for as long as she could recall. Kaylin quickly gave a hand gesture as she shouted back.

“You don’t need to wait for permission to come aboard, this is your boat as much as it is mine.”

Sally had a few things she wanted to gossip about but was pressed for time today.

“Yes, Baby Girl, I know; but, I have appointments to get to; so, I have to run; I saw you out here and just wanted to say hi.”

        Kaylin refused to allow her to just pass by, and let the brush handle fall to the deck as she headed for the catwalk.

“Well, I will just have to come to you; you’re not getting away without a hug.”

        Kaylin’s mother died in a car wreck when she was only three, reason for Sally being the main woman in her life; and has been a member of her father’s racing team from his first race twenty years ago. She is an attractive fifty-three-year-old; five-ten, with short brown-hair and very athletic.

        After an intense embrace, Sally gave her a motherly kiss and stared into her eyes for a moment before speaking.

“You do have your father's eyes; anyway, rumor has it you are looking to enter the big Schooner race this year.”

Kaylin shrugged her shoulders while referencing a hurdle.

“Yeah, if I can ever pull a team together.”

        Sally has a two-bedroom house that sits high upon stilts at the edge of the harbor where she can sit out on the deck and watch boats come and go, so she pried into her observation from the morning before.

“Yesterday morning I saw you pulling out with your redheaded goddess; maybe a new girlfriend.”

        Kaylin quickly reprimanded Sally for her assertion.

“Sally; her name is Cathy, and she was thinking about joining the team; that is until we got caught up in a storm; now, I’m not too sure.”

Sally gripped her arm and expressed her disbelief.

“Oh my god, wasn’t that the craziest thing.”

        Kaylin instantly gave her first-hand knowledge about the storm.

“Yeah, and we got caught in it.”

        Knowing there wasn’t enough time to train a crew of greenies before the upcoming race, Sally offered her some advice.

“You know, Baby Girl; George Parker broke his back a couple years ago and got rid of his Schooner; I bet you could probably snag a few of his old teammates.”

        Even though Kaylin had enjoyed every adventure she and her father shared while sailing, she never participated in any of the races and never met any captains or their teams.

“I have no idea where to even start looking.”

        Considering Sally had been a team member of her father’s crew, she knew exactly where to locate them.

“Back in the day they all hung out at the Dirty Crawdad.”

        Kaylin instantly squinted up her eyes and nose as she responded.

“Geez, no; I’m not going into that nasty place; it reeks of wet cigars and carpet bourbon, and the stench of rotten puss……”

        Before she could finish her point, Sally held up her hand and yelled out.

“That’s enough! I’m just saying, if you intend to have a team together for this season, you may want to stick some cotton in your nostrils and go have a drink.”

        Kaylin responded while rolling her eyes as she turned back toward the boat.

“Yeah, I will consider it; love you.”

        As sally turned to go she shouted out.

“Okay, talk later; love.”

        When Sally turned to leave, she heard Kaylin yell back.

“Wait; you are still in; right?”

        Sally turned and gave her a big smile with her vow.

“Baby Girl, I wouldn't miss it for the world.”

        Kaylin turned and swayed her firm ass side-to-side in the direction of the Schooner, with both thumbs held high in the air.

Once again, with scrub brush in hand, she let her mind drift back to the many times she and her father would take the boat out for an all-day excursion, just to father-and-daughter bond. While memorializing the memento she cherished most, when her father, along with Sally, insisted she accompany them on an exhilarating journey across the equator and back. Her serenity was abruptly interrupted by the wretched sound a vehicle makes when in desperate need of a new muffler. She stopped and looked out across the parking lot to see Cathy’s 1973 canary-yellow Gremlin with oversized tires pulling into a parking space, then shook her head with laughter while watching the bubbly redhead jump from the car, sporting her favorite frayed cutoff blue jeans along with headphones covering her ears and start dancing in her direction. Cathy lapsed on the catwalk alongside the boat; lowering the headphones down around her neck as she yelled up at the tall blonde goddess.

“Permission to come aboard!”

        Kaylin leaned against the brush handle and transfixed down on this beautiful, happy-go-lucky redhead for a moment, then giggled out.

“Permission granted.”

        Cathy placed the music makers back over her ears and danced her way onto the deck, then made a few circles around Kaylin while softly bumping her butt up against the tall blonde’s outer thighs, :for the simple fact: with Kaylin’s long legs, her butt was much higher off the ground. Finally, Kaylin scolded while reaching and pulling down her earphones.

“Did you come to work, or party?”

        She turned her back toward Kaylin and rubbed her butt up against her as she responded.

“If I wanted to work, I could have gone to the restaurant.”

        Kaylin gave her a hard bump with her hip, almost sending the pretty petite redhead toppling overboard.

“Yeah-yeah; well, I have new lines, and a mainsail, along with two new winches; that’s today’s tasks.”

Cathy turned off the music as she inquired.

“So, we’re not going out today?”

Kaylin dipped the brush into a bucket of soapy water, then continued her task as she answered.

“No, Love; there is a storm coming in around noon, and I’m not getting caught in another one with a broken winch.”

        Cathy agreed while making one request.

“Oh, wow; I guess I should have checked the weather report; Okay, can I sing while we work?”

        While continuing her chore of scrubbing the deck, Kaylin sarcastically granted consent.

“Babe; if you think you can sing, go for it.”

        Cathy jumped right into changing out the lines as if she had done it a million times, and Kaylin was shocked at the professional sounding voice that came bellowing out of such a tiny girl; not only did she know every word to the songs, but never missed a single beat. Kaylin considered the only thing missing was the music.

After a few hours of changing lines, making repairs, and scrubbing the deck, Kaylin wailed out.

“Break time.”

        Cathy kicked back on the bench toward the stern and watched the clouds slowly rolling in as Kaylin went down into the galley to retrieve a couple cans of lemon iced tea from the fridge. When she returned, Kaylin sat down beside her and bumped shoulders while handing one over.

“You have done this before.”

        Cathy let out a hefty laugh before stipulating.

“Yeah, my dad used to buy old boats and refurbish them, then sell them; so, yap, I have done this a time or two; or three, or four.”

        Kaylin listened closely, then inquired about one part of her remark.

“Used to?”

        Cathy took a sip, then leaned back and watched the clouds as she replied.

“Yeah, used to; my parents were killed in a car accident about three years ago.”

        While placing her arm around Cathy’s shoulder, her words seem to be bonding.

“Oh wow; I’m sorry, Babe; I also lost my parents; I mean, my mother died when I was only three, then my dad to cancer about three years ago; but I still have Sally.”

Cathy glanced over with an inquiry.


Kaylin got a contented smile as she explained who this special woman was.

“Yeah, Sally has been like my adopted mom my whole life; you will meet her, she is part of the team.”

Cathy responded while watching the clouds as they began to darken.

“Oh wow, I can’t wait to meet her.”

        They sat silent for a few minutes sipping on their tea, letting their minds wander through the adventures that lay ahead. Cathy, on the excitement of being out on the open ocean, while Kaylin focused on the need of more bodies for the team. Kaylin was the one that broke their meandering with a question.

“Do you have any plans for tonight?”

Cathy was a bit stunned at her question, considering she had never been asked it before, and glanced over with an answer.

“Not really; just sit at home, listen to music, and play guitar.”

Kaylin had never heard an answer quite like that and queried in surprise.

“Wait; you play a guitar?”

Cathy giggled “Yeah”, then went on to expanding on her talents.

“Yeah; guitar, piano, banjo, harmonica.”

        Kaylin’s next words brought out another hefty laugh from the petite redhead.

“Damn girl, when did you have time for college.”

She held her head up while proudly proclaiming her education.

“I got my degree in art and graphic design; how about you.”

Kaylin was impressed with all the talents her new teammate had as she submitted her schooling.

“Really, that’s very interesting; well, I studied finance and literature.”

        Cathy could not stop the giggles as she uttered her next words.

“Oh wow; one of those high falutin, sophisticated speaking, rich girls.”

        Kaylin instantly corrected her new friend.

“I’m not hurting; but I am a long way from being rich.”

Their conversation seemed to be leading into a bonding moment as Cathy continued.

“Okay; so, what do you do for your day job?”

Kaylin is proud of the success she has achieved in her profession and straitened her tall frame as she replied.

“I’m an Author; I write romance novels.”

That peeked Cathy’s interest, considering reading a good romance novel was her favorite pastime.

“Kick-ass; anything I would know?”

Kaylin considered her genre for a moment before answering.

“I doubt you have read anything I’ve written.”

With her broad knowledge of Author’s, there was no way Cathy was letting the tall, beautiful, blonde get away with that answer.

“Name me a book.”

        Not realizing where her psyche had drifted, she gave the first book that came to mind.

“Okay; Come Sail with Me.”

        Cathy thought for a moment, then made her proclamation.

“Nope, but I will buy it tomorrow.”

Kaylin quickly determined she needed to stall as long as possible and insisted on an excuse.

“No-no-no; I have a few copies at home; I will bring you one, autographed especially for you.”

        Cathy gazed out across the water and loudly whispered.

 “Oh wow, my very first autographed book.”

        Kaylin scolded while bumping her shoulder hard against Cathy’s.

“Wait a damn minute, you have gotten us completely off track; I need to go to a bar tonight, and I really don’t want to go alone; so, would you like to come with?”

Cathy instantly reminded her of who changed the subject.

“Me! You are the one that asked about my guitar playing.”

Kaylin let out a slight giggle as she asked again.

“Yeah-yeah-yeah; do you want to go or not?”

Cathy could not recall ever being asked out on a date as she softly inquired.

“Where are you taking me?”

The answer was embarrassing, so Kaylin just spit it out.

“The Dirty Crawdad.”

Cathy tilted her head and slowly gazed her way while expressing her thoughts concerning that particular bar.

“Wait; you’re telling me, you are taking me to a skanky dive on our first date?”

Kaylin quickly denied one part of her accusation as she countered.

“Cathy, it’s not a date; I just enjoy your company and would like for you to come with.”

        Cathy looked deep into her blue eyes while responding.

“Yap; definitely a date; I would love to.”

        Suddenly, Kaylin heard the sound of thunder off in the distance and brought the day’s work to an end.

“Let’s wrap things up and get out of here before it starts raining.”

        Once everything was secured in its rightful place, the two beauties headed out toward the parking lot. Still acting her effervescent self, Cathy wrapped her arm around Kaylin’s arm and asked.

“So, will you be picking me up, or shall I pick you up.”

        Kaylin let out an exorbitant snicker before responding.

“I will pick you up; there is no way I’m riding in that contraption you call a vehicle; also, I will start picking you up every morning; so you don’t get a ticket for no muffler.”

        Instantly, Cathy countered with sentimental reasons.

“Hey! My Grandpa gave me that car as a present for my high school graduation; Okay, I beefed it up a bit; but it makes the best mud-buggy.”

        Walking side-by-side out to the Bronco, Kaylin stared down at the petite redhead for a second with a request-of-clarification.

“I don’t get it; you mean, like, you drive down muddy roads.”

        Cathy began to answer, then suddenly stopped, finishing in disbelief.

“No! don’t be silly: wait, are you saying you have never been muddin?”

         While correcting her English, Kaylin confirmed her suspicions.

 “Muddin is not a word; and no, I have never gone out just to drive around in the mud.”

        Cathy turned loose of her arm, then started in the direction of the yellow beast as she shouted back.

“Damn, girlfriend; I know where I will be taking you for our second date.”

Once again Kaylin tried to clarify while yelling back.

“It’s not a date!”

        Cathy opened her door and glanced back with a smile and shouted in defiance.

“Yap; definitely a date; pick me up around seven.”

        Kaylin sat watching her new teammate drive out of the lot with the loud sound echoing off the buildings, then once the bumblebee looking vehicle was out of sight, she buried her face in her hands for a moment before openly banging them against the steering wheel while quietly scolding herself.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid; why in the hell did you have to blurt out that book? I mean, you have so many others you could have mentioned; like, {Dreaming of you} or, {Wyoming Cowgirls} but, noooo, you had to blurt out {Come Sail with Me}; what if she doesn’t like the way it ends; OMG, what if she is offended?”

        She pulled the Bronco into drive as she devised herself a plan.

“I will just give her {Loving You} I think she will enjoy that one.”






        Cathy sat in front of the mirror putting just a bit of curl in her long fire-engine-red hair, constantly glancing over at the large clock on the wall. She considered moving the hands forward but concluded that would not change the Universe one iota. Back in college, she had been the outcast, never being invited to a girls’ night out; in fact, this would be the first date she has been on since college, and she was aflame. She squeezed into a pair of tight-fitting jeans she’d bought a month ago, which she had washed and scrubbed, scrubbed and washed, over-and-over to get that faded worn appearance just right, then pulled on her favorite rustic-colored round-toed cowgirl boots with slightly raised heels. The light green western shirt that tied in front, Duke of Hazzard style, in combination with a light application of green mascara painted across her upper eyelids, made her cat-green eyes come to life. Most everyone would always stare at her eyes and ignore her average size breast, but she was good with that. Once again, she cursed at the slow ticking of the clock.

        Kaylin desperately wanted to stop time, dreading the fact of having to go into Dirty Crawdad. She was thankful Cathy had agreed to accompany her to such a dreadful place, but vowed to herself she would make it up to her in the near future. She took the time to bring out the full body of her long wavy blonde hair; but, Kaylin just wasn’t much into the makeup conspiracy, so she skimmed a layer of light red lipstick onto her lips then pulled a tiny black eyeliner around the edges of her eyes; that was enough she concluded. She slipped into her cutoff jeans with frayed edges around the legs; not the short-short type to where you could see her butt cheeks; but she did enjoy showing off her long, tan, sexy legs; then she put on her favorite dark-blue tank top which brought out her baby blue eyes when in places where more light was desired, also letting her showoff the belly button ring. Kaylin glanced at the clock sitting by the bed, and cursed at how fast time was speeding by.

        Both could feel the jitters coursing through their bodies, each for a different reason, when Kaylin lightly knocked on Cathy’s door. She was greeted with a nervous smile from the petite redhead, then Cathy stepped back and stretched her arm out with the gesture of an invite.

“Would you like to see how us poor folk live?”

        Kaylin gave a nod and smile as she stepped through the threshold, then stood looking around as Cathy closed the door and stepped up beside her. Cathy happily gave her the grand tour while slowly pointing things out.

“As you can see, over there in that corner is the bedroom; over in that corner is the makeup room; and as you can tell with all my instruments between the two, that’s my music room; now, if you look in this direction you will see the fancy kitchen, with no room for a table; along the front wall is the living room with its one lone sofa; so, what do you think?”

        Kaylin pointed to the corner at the end of the sofa where the entertainment center sat.

“And what do you call that?”

        Cathy answered with a boastful giggle.

“Oh, that’s my band.”

Kaylin had never been inside a kitchenet studio before, and her comment just slipped out.

“This is a really small place.”

Cathy glanced around the room as she agreed with Kaylin.

“Yeah; but, on a waitress salary, it’s all I can afford.”

Suddenly, Kaylin felt embarrassed about the statement she made and quickly apologized.

“Oh god, Cathy; I didn’t mean to be rude; I am so, so sorry.”

        Without responding, Cathy made a slow walk all the way around her, stopping right back in front and staring straight up into her radiant sky-blue eyes, then whispered.

“You look amazing.”

        Kaylin instantly returned her complement.

“Oh please; look at you, all aglow.”

        Cathy has always considered herself as just your average girl, and quickly countered.

“I’m not that pretty, so let’s not pretend.”

        Kaylin’s next words left Cathy a bit embarrass.

“You have the glow of an angel; and the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

        Cathy quickly turned to retrieve her small handbag from the sofa in order to hide her red blushing face as she whispered.

“Shall we go?”

        Kaylin turned and opened the door as she agreed.

“Yes, we shall.”

        Cathy was baffled when Kaylin walked beside her all the way to the Bronco, then opened the door for her. She slipped into the passenger seat while many of her joking comments played in her psyche, causing her to giggle to herself.

“Yap, definitely a date.”

        As they made the short drive across the tracks to the Dirty Crawdad, Kaylin had an idea that could help Cathy earn extra money and decided to run it by her.

“Hey, Girlfriend; have you considered using your degree to design book covers?”

        Cathy stared out the windshield with raised eyebrows and thought for a moment before deliberating.

“Not really; I mean, I guess that would fall under art and graphic design; but, I would have to read the book first to understand where I was going.”

        As Kaylin slowly pulled into the potholed filled parking lot of the half-dilapidated huge building, she gave her the job.

“I will give you the first five chapters of my next book for you to get started on.”

Cathy was intrigued at the prospect of earning a few extra dollars and inquired about the amount.

“Really! Wow, that would be kick-ass; so, how much does something like that pay?”

        Kaylin put the Bronco in park and shut off the engine, then smiled over with her answer.

“Depending on how good the graphic is and how much detail is required; but a professional cover can go anywhere from three-hundred up to a thousand.”

        Cathy coughed out a choke before responding.

“Are you serious.”

Kaylin gently took her hand while asking if she wanted the task.

“So, do you want the job?”

        She stared out the windshield and envisioned what she could do with that much money, then her answer brought out a hefty laugh from Kaylin.

“Yes! god yes; I could buy Gremlin a new muffler.”

        Cathy turned her attention toward the rundown building and wondered if this might be the appropriate time to confess her drinking abilities, then quietly admitted.

“Kaylin, this is probably not the right time to bring this up; but I don’t drink.”

        Kaylin declared the same, but made a determination.

“Neither do I, Sweetie, neither do I; but we will have to order a couple beers so not to appear awkward.”

        She gave Cathy’s hand a slight squeeze and giggled out one last suggestion before opening her door.

“You better take in a deep breath and hold it; we’re going in.”

        Cathy smiled as she inhaled, then let her cheeks pop out while opening her door.

        Kaylin truly thought she had pulled off the best fast one to solving her dilemma as she walked beside Cathy toward the entrance; number one, she now has a new book cover designer; number two, Cathy would be so wrapped up in reading her newest book and creating a cover, she just might forget all about; Come Sail with Me.






        The sun was sitting on the horizon when the two beauties walked through the entrance of the Dirty Crawdad, and when the door closed behind them there was a span of about fifteen seconds where they saw total darkness. Cathy quickly grasped Kaylin’s arm and froze in place until the scenery slowly came into focus, which produced a young, curt, stocky, short-haired brunette standing in front of them sporting a bright-green, extra-large T-shirt with fluorescent huge yellow letters across the front that read, Dirty Crawdad, and speaking with an authoritarian tone.

“Table for two?”

        They gave each other the look that said, “this can’t really be happening”, then Kaylin quickly returned her focus back to the barmaid.

“Yes, please.”

        The girl talked with a rowdy voice as she turned and led her customers across the room.

“You can call me, Tat; I will be serving you tonight.”

        Kaylin was pleased at how much the place had changed and cleaned up since that time her father insisted on bringing her here to celebrate her twenty-first birthday. Tat led them to a small booth halfway between the bathroom and what was considered the tiny stage, then patiently waited for them to get situated before asking for their order.

“What’s your pleasure?”

Kaylin quickly replied with a simple order.

“Two beers please.”

The barmaid’s next question completely baffled Cathy.

“What flavor?”

        With a straight face, Cathy asked for clarification.

“Wait, are you saying beer comes in different flavors?”

        Tat just stood there giving her the strangest stare as Kaylin quickly clarified.

“Two beers in a glass, Please.”

        It seemed Tat was announcing it to the entire crowd as she turned and headed for the bar in a shout.

“Two draws coming right up.”

        Kaylin placed her hand to one side of her face as if hiding from the rest of the people and whispered.

“Shit; it’s called draw beer; I should have remembered that.”

        Cathy could not stop herself from giggling her observation.

“Yap Kaylin, I’d say we are fitting right in.”

        After receiving their beers, both fidgeted around in their seats attempting to scan the room for possible suspects, but it seemed like every time they looked, the whole bar was staring their way. After about five minutes of distress, their mouths were as dry as cotton, so Kaylin slowly lifted her glass up so to cheer with Cathy; but the petite redhead wasn’t having any part of it and just sat there shaking her head in disagreement. Kaylin shrugged her shoulders and lifted the glass to her lips, then had to use every bit of her inner strength to keep from spitting the nasty tasting liquid out on the floor, but finally got it down with a body tremble and a facial expression to match. Cathy was doing her best to control the laughter when suddenly their view of the bar was completely obscured. They both quickly looked up at the green giant with big yellow letters across his chest as he spoke with the deepest authoritative voice Cathy had ever heard.

“Miss McDowell; what brings you to my fine establishment?”

        Kaylin had met this massive man a couple times in her life, but that was years ago, and she responded with a friendly smile.

“Captain Crawdad; my friend and I are on a fishing expedition.”

The large man took this opportunity to mention his best friend.

“I see; well, let me take this occasion to offer my condolences for your father;” ‘He pounded the left side of his massive chest with his fist as he finished’ “He is sorely missed.”

She gave a sincere smile with her reply.

“Thank you Captain, he often spoke kindly of you.”

        The giant-of-a-man let out a loud, boastful chuckle as he reminisced.

“Yeah; Paul never was honest when he spoke about me; but we did dance with the Devil’s daughter a few times together.”

Knowing her father had never spoken ill of this man, she quietly gave him a complement.

“You were a friend of my fathers; so, I know you have some good inside somewhere.”

He took a moment to smile down at her before continuing with their conversation.

“That’s mighty kind of you little missy; now, what on earth could two lovely ladies such as yourselves be trying to catch in my little fishing hole?”

        Kaylin answered while considering the fact that his enormous size and height actually gave him the authority to address her as little.

“Well, Captain; I am in need of a couple of experienced sailors.”

        Realizing what type of people she was seeking, he replied with a questioning tone.

“Awww; I see; so you intend to enter your father's Schooner this year.”

        Her demeanor quickly turned serious as she corrected his assertion.

“I will be entering ‘my boat’ in the race.”

        His stance looked as if Kaylin’s words filled him with pride, and he smiled down at her with an observation.

“I’m willing to bet my bar those two beers sitting there are hot enough to boil crawdad tails. As I recall, the last, and only time you were in here, you did not drink.”

        Once again a smile crossed her face as she responded.

“You got me Captain; I can’t believe you remember back that far; but, you are right, I despise the taste of beer.”

He immediately gave his opinion concerning her beauty.

“For a man to forget such a tall drink of water as yourself… well, he would have to be gay.”

        Kaylin just slightly giggled as she deemed not trying to confront him tit-for-tat about his comment; besides, he has probably heard them all. The giant-of-a-man leaned over on the table and spoke softly as if offering a secret.

“Do you lovely ladies like the taste of iced tea.”

        Both simultaneously yelled out; “YES!”

        Cathy, once again, was taken aback at how this establishment seemed to enjoy announcing to the crowd exactly what they were drinking when he picked up the hot beers, then shouted out while heading for the bar.

“Two Long Island ice teas coming up.”

        No sooner than he had spoken those words a horrific reverberation resonated throughout the bar, and the expression Kaylin saw on Cathy’s face would have been one used if somebody were screeching their nails across a chalkboard. Cathy instantly focused on where the sound was coming from; there, sitting on a flat stool on the makeshift stage was an elderly man that looked to be around sixty-years-old. She placed her hands over her ears while observing this man with a long scraggly beard and stringy dirty hair to match, gathered behind a mic-stand, strumming on an electric acoustic guitar.

        She turned back toward Kaylin with a look of disbelief as she clamped her hands tighter against her ears, then mimed her thoughts to Kaylin.

“Make it stop.”

        Kaylin, with a half-ass grin, just shrugged her shoulders as the green giant sat two tall glasses down on the table. What happened next caused Cathy to consider it her most embarrassing moment, and no matter how long she lived nothing would ever top it. Just as soon as she started yelling out her request to the Captain over the loudness, the man stopped playing, causing the entire bar to turn and stare.

“Could you please shut that racket off.”

        She instantly placed her hands against her forehead, making a shield to hide her face that was now as red as the hair on her head. She could feel the giant’s eyes piercing right at her as he calmly stated.

“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.”

        Without looking up and keeping herself hidden, she replied.


She could feel his dominance as he continued his inquiry.

“Well, does Cathy have a last name?”

Her tone turned apprehensive as she responded.

“Tibble; my name is Cathy Tibble.”

        Captain Crawdad slowly turned his attention back to Kaylin.

“An acquaintance of yours Miss McDowell?”

Kaylin stared across at her new bestie and calmly answered.

“Yes Captain, a very dear friend; and first mate.”

        Once again, Crawdad turned his attention back to Cathy with an offer.

“Miss Tibble, if you think you can do any better the stage is all yours.”

        Keeping her face hidden within her hands, she quickly retorted.

“No sir; he is doing just fine.”

Once again, he turned back to Kaylin and finished with a devious grin before heading back across the bar.

“Miss McDowell, this round is on the house; I have cast the word, maybe you will get lucky; that is, if you are using the right bait.”

        Cathy kept herself hidden until she got the all clear from Kaylin.

“Okay, Sweetie; he’s gone.”

        Just before the loud upheaval started back up, Cathy looked her straight in the eyes with a proclamation.

“You owe me big time.”

Kaylin had a sincere expression as she made a vow.

“Yes, Dear, I know; I promise.”

        By now, both their mouths were completely dry, so first Kaylin took a sip of her tea and gave a nod of approval, then Cathy took a tiny sip. With a bit more lemonade flavor than they were accustomed to, each chugged down a couple hefty slugs and gave that sound of satisfaction one gives when drinking a pleasing tasty drink.

        For the next fifteen minutes they sipped their tea with Cathy’s finger buried deep inside the ear closest to the stage. Her glass was three-quarters empty when she had all she could stand; tossing her small tote-bag on the table in front of Kaylin, she grabbed her drink and charged the stage with a boastful tone.

“Enough; enough; stop already!”

        The man stared in disbelief for a moment, then glanced toward Captain Crawdad. The giant smiled and gave a nod of approval. First, Cathy located the small round table at the back corner of the stage and sat her drink down; second, she moved the man’s stool back over to that table, then took the guitar and strapped it on. As she talked into the microphone, she plucked at the strings and adjusted the keys so to get that professional sound. Her words brought out loud laughter from the crowd, and a few ear-piercing whistles.

“My name is Cathy Tibble; I have never in my life ever played for an audience, this will be my first; soooo, please be gentle; I guess you could say I’m a virgin.”

        As she continued tuning the guitar, Captain Crawdad slowly made his way over to their table and took her seat across from Kaylin to sit in judgment. Kaylin placed her hands in a praying position over her nose and mouth and fought back the tears when the beautiful petite redhead sounded better than the original artist herself when she opened with the words; “I go out walking, after midnight”. The place went wild; but, just as fast as it exploded it fell deafly quiet; except for Cathy’s professional sweet-sounding voice accompanied by her guitar playing. Next she sang a Loretta Lynne tune; then a Tammy Wynette song, never once missing a beat or singing out of tune. Stepping to the back of the stage, she placed the instrument into its holder and took a long sip of tea, then walked back to the mic.

“I will be right back; I really, really have got to go pee.”

        Her over-informative comment brought out a hefty laugh from Crawdad, and once again the place went wild. Captain Crawdad slowly turned in his seat and leaned onto the table and asked his question.

“Are you telling me this girl isn’t booked anywhere?”

Kaylin did not try hiding her amazement as she bolstered.

“Not yet, but she will be.”

Captain crawdad was scouting for new talent, and quickly made an offer.

“Friday night, seven till eleven; Saturday night, nine till one; One-hundred dollars a night.”

Kaylin let out a short laugh before turning him down.

“Oh please, Captain; I would pay her that just to stay home and sing to me.”

He considered her unique, long red hair along with her professional vocals and musical talent, then revised his offer.


Kaylin sipped down the last of her tea, then made a counteroffer.


He recalled Cathy saying she had no experience at entertaining, but he was willing to take a chance on the young beauty as he made his last bid.

“One-hundred-seventy-five; that’s my final offer.”

        Kaylin didn’t really know what she was doing, but her glass was empty, and she was caught up in the excitement, so she upped one.

“With drinks.”

Captain Crawdad quickly agreed.


        By the time the bidding war was completed the bubbly redhead was back on stage and strapping on the guitar as Captain Crawdad observed what he just purchased. Once again she tuned the strings while speaking to the crowd.

“Here is one of my faves; as for as the old hippies out there, I’m sure you will recognize this one; it was written and recorded by two very talented ladies. It’s called Barracuda.”

        The Captain instantly turned back to Kaylin all wild-eyed and confirmed her earlier bid.

“If this young lady can pull this off, you got your two-hundred.”

        At that precise moment a male voice came echoing from the back of the pool room, and everyone turned to see a fine looking long-haired young man that was stretching it to be twenty-one dashing through the crowd.

“Hold up; hold up; wait just a minute.”

        Cathy was taken aback and kept the mic-stand between him and herself as he scampered around her toward the back of the stage. He hastily wrestled open a guitar case and pulled out an electric lead, then quickly plugged in the jack and strapped it on. She took a step away from the mic towards the young man and quietly questioned his actions.

“What the hell are you doing?”

He leaned in and serenely replied.

“Lady, I got this.”

        She tilted her head to one side and  scrutinized while giving a mandate.

“You best not embarrass me.”

        The young man took a step toward her and loudly whispered.

“They call me Willy; lady, I can play this one in my sleep; let’s do this.”

        She gave him a look of despair as if to say, ‘you better not be lying’. When she broke into the intro music of the song, half the bar stood with applause and cheers. No sooner than she started singing, a woman about her age and built, but with long coal-black hair, jumped up to the mic beside her and waited for the right time to join in. With the dance floor packed, when the dark-haired woman joined in without missing a beat, people began dancing around tables and anywhere else they could find to squirm. Captain Crawdad slid from his seat and offered his hand to Kaylin. She instantly accepted, then they danced beside their booth.

        When the song finished, the walls were vibrating from the standing ovation filled with whoops and hollers, then Captain Crawdad leaned over and whispered another offer into Kaylin’s ear before turning and heading back toward his favorite stool at the end of the bar.

“If you can pull that band together, I will pay three-hundred a night; two more iced teas on the house coming right up.”

        Cathy’s glass was now empty, so she placed the guitar back on its stand and thanked the audience, then stepped from the stage and headed back to her booth with Kaylin. Once she settled into the seat, Tat sat two tall glasses of Long-Island iced tea down on the table, then leaned in and softly gave some friendly advice before quickly heading back across the room.

“Captain told me why you’re here; if you two plan to stick around for a while, you best sip those teas slowly; we have a two limit per customer, then you will have to leave.”

        Both stared at Tat’s back side with a confused look on their faces as Cathy commented.

“Wow, that was really weird.”

        Kaylin agreed, then began spelling out the deal she made with Captain Crawdad.

“Yeah; well, it is a bar; so I guess they do expect us to buy alcohol; No matter; girl, do I ever have a deal for you.”

        Once the high paying gig was explained, and Kaylin had gotten her settled back down, the redhead jumped from her seat and headed toward the pool room in search of the handsome young lead guitarist. Just as quick Tat slid into the booth, taking her seat.

“Okay, here is the deal; I was a team member of Captain Parker’s crew for four seasons; and I must admit, I do miss the tourney.”

        Kaylin stared across the table at this well-built tomboy, but her eyes seemed to be having trouble focusing on the girl’s many tattoos as she construed.

“Well, Tat; Parker never won a race.”

She leaned back in her yellow lettered shirt and snapped back point-blank.

“And how many races have you won?”

Kaylin just gave a smile with her response.

“I have never competed before, I’m sure you know that.”

Tat instantly upped her inquiry.

“So, how many first-place trophies did Captain McDowell take home?”

        Her words instantly brought forth images in Kaylin’s psyche, when every year her father would proudly point out that special shelf he built above the fireplace just for that accolade. She smiled with a slight nod as she conceded.

“You made your point; be at the harbor at sunrise.”

Tat stood, then looked back with another question.

“I won’t disappoint; how many more bodies do you need?”

Kaylin answered with a question of her own.

“I think one more will round it out: do you have someone in mind?”

        Tat proudly answered before heading back to do her night job.

“Yes, Captain Kaylin; my girlfriend Rebeca and I will see you at daybreak.”

        That was the first time anyone had addressed her as Captain, and it gave her a giddy feeling within. No sooner had Tat disappeared back into the crowd, Cathy slipped back into the booth with her captured young man in tow. She Squeezed over as far as she could and pulled her new partner in beside her. The dark-haired girl that sang along with Cathy glanced down at the small bench where Kaylin sat, then chose to grab an empty chair and sit at the end of the booth as Cathy introduced the two.

“Kaylin. this is Willy, and this is Susana, she plays bass; my new band.”

        Willy glanced at the two tall glasses sitting on the table and pointed at Cathy’s while commenting.

“If we are going to do this, then you can’t be drinking those while we work.”

        Once again, Cathy and Kaylin were completely confused as to why their iced teas were so controversial and Cathy countered.

“Willy; it’s just iced tea.”

        The young man picked up her glass and took a quick sniff, then pulled out his I-phone, pressed a few buttons, then scrolled for a moment before placing it down on the table in front of her. Cathy’s eyes grew as big as silver dollars as she read the ingredients, then remarked while turning the phone around in front of Kaylin and giggled her statement.

“No way; now I know why I’m feeling ten-foot-tall and bulletproof.”

        After reading what was on the screen, Kaylin quickly retrieved her phone and pressed the button that called Sally. By this time, her words were becoming a bit slurred.

“Mom, I need you to come to the Dirty Crawdad and drive us home.”

        Sally was a bit astounded, for the simple fact, this was the first time Kaylin had ever referred to her as mom.

“Don’t you move, Baby girl; I’m on my way.”






        The sun was well above the horizon and Kaylin  was running late as she slowly drove toward Cathy’s. The last thing she could recall from last-night was Sally all up in Captain Crawdad’s grill as he sat on his stool smiling down at her.

Cathy’s deep sleep was disturbed by a pounding on the front door, causing her to roll over and slowly open her bloodshot eyes to a gyrating world. She desperately wanted to just go back to sleep, but the hammering just kept getting louder. She placed one foot on the floor in an attempt to stop the spinning, then gently lifted herself into an upright position. She meticulously made her way across the room and opened the door, instantly burying her eyes into her arm as she turned away from the bright light that came streaming in.

“Come in and shut the door.”

        Kaylin quickly obliged while removing the dark sunshades covering her own bloodshot eyes, then stared at Cathy’s backside with an inquiry.

“Girlfriend, did you sleep in your clothes?”

        Cathy slowly proceeded in the direction of the bathroom as she replied.

“Yeah-yeah-yeah; I need a shower; give me ten minutes.”

        Kaylin relaxed her head against the back of the sofa and closed her eyes while listening to the sound of running water until it stopped, and the door opened. She lifted her head and opened her eyes, then sat mesmerized at the petite redhead as she exited the bathroom and made her way over to the dresser completely naked. She tried with all her capability to look away but was utterly seized by the flawlessness this petite young woman had on display. Cathy plundered through her pantie drawer for a moment, then quickly turned to her.

“Oh geez; I am so sorry; does nudity bother you?”

        Kaylin smiled without looking away and softly replied.

“Not today, Sweetie; not today.”

        Cathy began to ramble on as she slowly got dressed with her captive audience.

“I do apologies, but it just seems like I can be myself around you; I mean; like… I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not; Kaylin, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me; like… my life is so coming together since I met you; you know, you are my best friend; hell, you are my only friend, and I hope we can be besties for eternity.”

        By the time she finished her epic speech, she was dressed in her shortest frayed short-shorts and skimpy halter-top, ready for the day. She retrieved her darkest sunglasses from their holder and slipped them on, then turned to Kaylin and quantified with a smile.

“Let’s do this.”

        Kaylin was speechless as they made their way to her Bronco, allowing Cathy’s words to replay in her mind. When the two beauties settled in, and Kaylin had started the engine, she intertwined her fingers into Cathy’s and gave a gentle squeeze with confirmation.

“You will always be my bestie; I promise.”

        Cathy gave a cute, dimpled smile, then leaned back and vowed a little prayer as Kaylin pulled the Bronco into drive and headed for the harbor.

“Lord, help me get over this one and I will get over the next one on my own.”

Kaylin quickly giggled a comment.

“Next one.”

Cathy leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes, then gave a reasoning for the prayer.

“Yeah, that’s the point; there is not going to be a next one.”

        As the two slowly pulled into the parking area at the harbor, there stood Tat all wrapped up in her girlfriend’s arms beside a black monster four-by-four 1995 Chevy short-bed truck with gigantic tires. Cathy could not help but admire the oversized vehicle as she enthusiastically commented.

“Now there’s a real mud-buggy.”

Kaylin sarcastically laughed her reply.

“You and your damn muddin.”

        Cathy just giggled out a statement.

“Got to love that mud.”

        Kaylin was pleasantly surprised with the appearance of Tat’s girlfriend, not only was she a tall, well-developed woman with a slender athletic figure, but her long straight chestnut hair amplified her beauty. She shut off the engine while making a comment to Cathy.

“Wow, I just realized we have an all-female team.”

Cathy commented as she opened her door.

“Yap; and we are going to kick ass and take home the bacon.”

        Tat introduced her girlfriend, Rebeca Wheeler, then they stood out on the catwalk familiarizing themselves with each other. Sally walked up beside her baby girl, then gave a proud smile when Kaylin introduced her as my mother. After a few minutes of chit chat, Kaylin looked around and made a observation about the weather.

“There is hardly a breeze.”

        Tat poked a finger into her mouth, then held it high up in the air.

“Yeah, but it will be stronger out in the open water.”

        Cathy quickly chimed in, causing the entire team to laugh.

“Well; the way I’m feeling, a light breeze is a good thing.”

        At 9:am everyone stood in place while Kaylin guided her sixty-foot Schooner out of the harbor under its own power. Cathy was standing close beside her and jumped when her cell-phone rang, seeing it was Willy on the caller I.D., she quickly answered. The first thing he wanted to know was if she had transportation, which she assured him she did. The second thing was how quickly she could make it over to his house. Cathy paused for a moment before answering his second question.

“Um, like… I am heading out into the ocean to practice sailboat racing as we speak; so, it will be around four or five this afternoon.”

        There was a long pause of silence, then Willy demanded in an agitated tone before just hanging up.

“Fine; four o’clock, and don’t be late.”

        She stood staring at her phone while giving an outburst.

“What the hell?”

Kaylin glanced her way and calmly asked.

“What’s going on, Sweetie?”

Before responding, Cathy took a deep breath, then let it out with a huff.

“It sounded like Willy thinks he is in charge of my band.”

        Kaylin instantly locked the helm in place, then turned and placed Cathy’s face between her hands and stared into her cat-green eyes.

“Don’t you dare let that young boy take control of your dream; that’s your dream, never forget that.”

Cathy expressed her determination as she placed her phone back into its holder.

“I won’t; I don’t really need a band anyway; I mean, I can do just fine by myself.”

        Kaylin turned her attention back to the helm as she concurred.

“Yes you can; I love hearing you sing.

        Ten minutes out of the harbor all sails were up and catching every tiny bit of the three-knot wind. Kaylin instructed Cathy to pay close attention to every team member’s movement, eventually she would be capable of anticipating their next modification just by their body language, then could alter the helm accordingly. The two also worked out a few hand signals for Cathy to watch for, so to help her learn precisely how to maneuver such a large Schooner. Everyone knew this was going to be an easy slow sailing day, which had the petite redhead smiling. They all had determined Cathy was a greenie, and Kaylin’s favorite; so, they took the time to give her pointers when needed.

        Cathy was standing alone at the helm when Tat stepped up beside her and pointed toward the front of the boat and quietly asked a question.

“What is your girlfriend doing?”

        Cathy noticed Kaylin standing by the main mast with a grip on one of the cleats, shifting her stance every few seconds. She giggled out her answer to Tat before yelling out to her.

“I have no idea; what the hell are you doing?”

        Kaylin turned in her direction just enough to respond.

“Practicing exactly how I want to stand when we cross the finish-line; first.”

        Both Cathy, and Tat let out a good laugh before Tat pried into their relationship.

“So, how long have you and Kaylin been together?”

        Not realizing what her insinuation detailed, Cathy quickly answered.

“We met a couple weeks ago; yeah, she is the best friend a girl could have.”

        Tat lifted her hands and locked her little fingers together and held them out so Cathy could see.

“I thought you two were like…”

        Cathy’s eyes grew big as she quickly sat Tat straight.

“You mean, like… intimate; geez no; I mean; no, we are not gay; we are just besties.”

        Tat glanced at Kaylin, then back to Cathy and gave a sardonic “ah-ha” before walking back to her post. Cathy stared at the tall blonde-hair, blue-eyed beauty standing in her two-piece bikini waving at a pretend crowd of spectators while practicing different miens. After a few minutes of beholding this tall goddess performing creature, she concluded there was no way such an attractive woman could ever be gay and laughed that Tat would even suggest it.

        Sally went down into the galley and brought up five cans of iced tea, then handed them out to the crew. Kaylin had to laugh when she stepped up beside her, shaking her head with a smile. She accepted the cold drink with a laugh of her own, then quickly justified her performance.

 “Hey, I have to get it right.”

        Sally pointed toward the tip of the bow as if to suggest they take a seat there. Once they settled into a sitting position with their backs against each other and their legs hanging over the edge, Sally started the conversation.

“Why the sudden change, Baby Girl?”

Confused as to what she was referencing, Kaylin responded with a question of her own.

“What are you talking about?”

Sally took a sip, then gazed out across the water as she replied.

“You never called me mom before.”

        Kaylin took a sip of her tea, then a long deep breath while also staring out across the calm blue water before answering.

“Last night when I figured out Cathy and I had been drinking hard liquor, you were the only person I knew I could count on; hell, you are the only woman in my life that has always been there; not only for the good times, but when I needed a shoulder, you were there; damn Mom, you even know most of my darkest secrets; I guess it just took me a while to get my priorities straight.”

Sally leaned back far enough for their backs to touch before responding.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud that you think of me as your mother; now, speaking of priorities: how is your relationship with Cathy coming along?”

Kaylin pushed back hard against Sally as she quickly countered.

“Mom; we are just friends; you know, like besties.”

        They both sat quietly for a moment with their eyes closed and their faces turned upward, then Sally softly asked.

“Do you feel it?”

        Suddenly they scampered to their feet as Kaylin began yelling out to the team.

“Drop all sails! Drop all sails!.”

        By the time they made it to the winches that controlled the sheets, the gentle breeze blasted into a twenty-knot gust, hitting solid against the portside and sending the sixty-foot Schooner onto its starboard. Without thinking, as Kaylin quickly trimmed the sails, Tat instinctively grabbed the end of a strap and hiked out as far as she could, so to counter-weight, keeping the boat from splashing over. Everyone sprinted to make all the necessary adjustments as Cathy, with a firm grip on the helm, did her best to keep up. Suddenly the boat was running at a dangerous speed as Rebeca joined Tat at hiking out to help balance the boat. After about thirty seconds of the bow sending spraying fishers over the crew, and with the starboard side dipping into the water from time-to-time, Tat screamed out at Kaylin.

“We’re going to turtle.”

Kaylin scampered up beside Cathy as she shouted her rebuttal.

“No we’re not.”

Tat and Rebeca were leaning out as far as they could to keep the boat upright as Tat angrily pleaded.

“Damnit, Kaylin; we are going over!”

        Kaylin had only experienced such speed twice in her life, and her father was at the helm both times. With a pounding in her chest, accompanied by an exuberant adrenaline rush, Kaylin took a few deep breaths before giving the order to adjust the sheets to slow the boat and bring it back into an upright position. Tat quickly stepped over and nudged her to the side and put the boat into feathering, then lifted her eyes as she turned to face the tall blonde.

“Are you trying to get us killed.”

        Kaylin scowled in and practically touched noses with the tattooed woman and quietly spoke in a despotic timbre.

“Don’t you ever take that tone with me; I know how to sail, and I know what this boat is capable of doing.”

        Everyone was now focused on the two as Tat took a step back and did her best to speak in a calm voice.

“Many times I heard Captain McDowell say, right there in the Dirty Crawdad, a trophy isn’t worth putting your crew in danger.”

        She knew she had stepped in it now, bringing Kaylin’s father into the conversation. She watched as the tall blonde’s sky-blue eyes glassed over, holding back the tears. Kaylin quietly responded before angrily side-stepping past and heading down below.

“Maybe that’s why he never brought home the prize he so desperately wanted.”

        Sally glanced at Tat as she walked past deliberately shaking her head in disappointment, and all Tat could do was say; “I’m sorry.”

        After Sally had disappeared down below, Tat slowly walked up to the helm where Cathy was squatting down, leaning her back against the wheelhouse.

“Well, I guess that’s it for me.”

        Cathy rolled her eyes up at the stocky woman and gave a weird stare.

“What the hell are you talking about.”

Tat gazed out across the water as she quietly surmised.

“She’s not going to let me stay after that.”

Cathy gently slapped her on the leg and instantly rebutted.

“Bull crap; that’s not Kaylin.”

Tat looked down at her with despair as she recapped.

 “Yeah, maybe not; but I brought her father into the confrontation.”

        They both kept silent for a moment and stared out across the water as the wind gently died down to a normal three-knots, then Cathy made a suggestion.

“Yeah, that wasn’t good; you should go and apologize for that one.”

Tat instantly inquired with hesitancy.

“What: NOW!”

        Keeping her eyes looking out across the ocean, Cathy calmly replied.

“Yes; now.”

        Tat thought for a short moment, then nodded in agreement as she started toward the opening that would take her down under.

        Kaylin was wiping away the tears and sniffles when Sally walked in and sat down beside her.

“What’s happening with my baby girl.”

        With confusion written all over her face, Kaylin looked at her.

“What the hell did she mean by; many times at the Dirty Crawdad?”

Sally put her arm around her shoulders and pulled her close while giving an explanation.

“Well, Sweetie; that place was your father’s, and my second home.”

Kaylin laid her head against Sally’s shoulder and softly whispered.

“No wonder Captain Crawdad said he was sorely missed.”

Sally could not help but giggle a bit with her response.

“Yes dear, those two were the best of friends.”

        Their conversation was interrupted when Tat sought permission to enter, and Kaylin drew a deep breath as she pointed to the seat adjacent to herself and Sally. Tat quickly apologized as she took the seat.

“I was way out of line Captain, and I’m sorry for that; but if I may, I would like to share a little story with you about your father.”

Kaylin knew she had put the crew in danger, and calmly granted Tat’s request.

“Apology accepted; and yes, I could truly use a good story right now.”

        Tat sat straight up and kept her eyes locked onto Kaylin’s as she told her tale.

“About three years ago was the last time I participated in a race; the boat I was on held a close third and Captain Cleitermon, or as we like to call him, Cheat-or-man; was a tight second; Captain McDowell held the lead; we were in the home stretch when Cheat-or-man done what we just did, but when he was in the right position, he pulled his sails and robbed Captain McDowell of his wind; Well, McDowell stalled; so Captain Cheat-or-man cheated your father out of his prize.”

        She watched as the sadness turned to anger across Kaylin’s face.

“Thank you Tat; no, really, thank you; I needed to hear that.”

        Tat gave a nod, then headed for the steps as she finished her thoughts.

“I guess if we expect to get anywhere in life; well, maybe we must step across that red line every once in a while.”

        When Kaylin called her name, she was sure this was it; the hammer was going to drop, and she was off the team. She stopped at the bottom of the steps and turned, so to look back at Kaylin, then waited.

“You did good out there, a real pro; if you would, please take us home.”






        As Kaylin drove Cathy home, she smiled at the redhead’s enthusiasm when she just kept babbling on and on about the powerful squall they encountered, and how she watched each teammate, then what she did at the helm. When Kaylin pulled up in front of her apartment, she shut off the engine and smiled over at her.

“You did good today; I believe in two weeks we will bring home a big trophy.”

Cathy agreed as she opened her door, then she froze for a few seconds before pulling the door back closed and turning toward Kaylin.

“Yeah, we are going to kick ass;… oh, by the way; where is my book?”

        Kaylin lifted the top on the center console as she giggled her reply.

“Almost forgot.”

        Reaching in, she retrieved a plain brown wrapped book along with one of her published novels, then handed Cathy the plain brown cover first.

“Okay, here is the one I’m just finishing, so you can get started on the cover; and here is one of my top five best sellers; autographed specially for you.”

        At first Cathy was all excited and giddy, then slowly her attitude turned serious as she stared at her signed novel.

“What’s this?”

        It was clear Kaylin was getting a bit jittery as she quickly tried to convince her best friend this book was the perfect book for her.

“Loving You; it’s a detective-slash-murder mystery type love story.”

        Kaylin saw the weirdest look she had ever seen on Cathy’s face when she looked over at her.

“But you promised, Come Sail with Me.”

        Kaylin was now getting nervous and fidgeting around in her seat while doing her best to compromise.

“I know, Babe; but I think you will enjoy this one more; I mean, it’s not that long and it’s easy to follow.”

        Still maintaining her baffled expression, Cathy rebutted.

“What, you could not find a copy of Come Sail with Me?”

Kaylin did her best to stay in control of the situation as she stipulated.

“Yes, Sweetie; I just think you will like this one much better; if you read this one, then I will give you Come Sail with Me.”

        Cathy held the book up as she kept her eldritch gaze.

“What gives; do you think I’m too stupid to comprehend the other one?”

        Kaylin thought she could bring this crazy argument to a close and spoke with a stern voice.

“Don’t be silly Cathy, you are the most intelligent woman I have ever met; now, read this one first, then I will give you, Come Sail with Me.”

        Cathy turned her head and stared out the windshield for a long moment before carefully opening the console and gently placing the two books back inside, then slowly opened her door and slipped to the ground. Kaylin sat horrified at the anger she saw in the redhead’s beautiful cat-green eyes as she held her gaze for another moment before closing the door a tad harder than was necessary. It took Kaylin a moment to snap to the situation while watching the petite beauty in short cutoff jeans storming in the direction of her apartment, then she quickly jumped from the Bronco with a shout.


        By this time Cathy had her key in the lock and tilted her head upwards with a loud response.

“I’m not speaking to you right now.”

        Kaylin watched her step inside and disappear, then felt her body jump at the sound of a slamming door. She slowly slid back into the driver’s seat, and with the door still open laid back against the headrest and closed her eyes. She desperately began searching every deep crevice of her brain for a solution to her dilemma, but nothing was coming to mind.

        Cathy stomped over to the dresser and plopped her small handbag down, then stared into the mirror. She was appalled at the anger portrayed in the face of the image, and quickly turned her back. She marched across the room and leaned over the sofa, then carefully peeled back the curtain just far enough to peek out; seeing the Bronco was still there, she whispered.

“You can leave now.”

        After a couple minutes with no remedy found, Kaylin pleaded for some assistance.

“Dad, if you are really up there watching over me, I could use some of your wisdom about now.”

        She jumped in her skin when the phone began making that god awful sound it makes when an amber alert is sent out and she quickly shut it off, then smiled.

“Okay; thanks Dad.”

        Cathy stepped back over to take another look at the woman in the mirror, but this time saw hurt with despair, and wondered how the Universe could be so cruel. She wandered back over to take another peek out the window and almost pulled the entire curtain off the wall when her phone rang unexpectedly. She took a deep breath when she saw Kaylin’s pretty smile and hypnotizing sky-blue eyes on the screen, then answered with a firm tone.


        There was a moment of silence before Kaylin spoke softly.

“Please don’t be angry with me; I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that book was so important to you.”

She comprehended the reasoning Cathy gave as she quietly listened.

“Kaylin; it’s the first book you mentioned; so, that tells me it is that important to you; so, yeah, it’s that important to me.”

        Kaylin pulled her door shut and started the engine as she made a vow.

“Please don’t be angry; I tell you what, I will go right now and bring back Come Sail with Me.”

        Cathy’s next words sent a chill through Kaylin, and she instantly shut off the engine.

“Wow, you must really be desperate to keep me on the team.”

She started off with a stern tone, but it quickly trailed off to soft pleading.

“Don’t ever think that; if you decide you want to quit that’s fine with me; it’s not about a stupid race, Sweetie; I thought we were besties.”

        There was another moment of silence before Cathy responded.

“So, if I quit the team you will still call and talk to me?”

Kaylin could not muster the courage to tell the redheaded goddess how she truly felt, so she just calmly replied.

“No, Sweetheart; I will come pick you up, and we will go do things together; geez, I really enjoy being around you.”

        This time a much longer pause of silence before Cathy replied.

“Wait right there.”

        She still had a dab of agitation in her stride as she made her way to the passenger door of the Bronco, then she reached in and retrieved the two books from their cubbyhole and stood for a moment staring at the beautiful blonde in her skimpy two-piece bikini.

“So, when you come pick me up in the morning, you will have the book I want.”

Kaylin gave a loving smile as she used her finger to draw an x across her chest.

“Cross my heart.”

        They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, then Cathy spoke with a softer tone.

“Do you really enjoy hanging with me?”

Kaylin’s desire to jump from the vehicle and take Cathy into her arm was overwhelming, but she sat still and quietly answered.

“Love, there is no other on earth that I would rather hang with.”

        Cathy smiled and responded before gently closing the door and heading back toward her apartment.

“Good; because I really like hanging with you; I will see you at sunrise.”

        Kaylin sat and observed the petite redhead swaying her tiny little butt side-to-side as she promenaded back to her apartment, then quietly whispered to herself.

“Girlfriend, if you only knew what you do to me; and as intelligent as you are, when you read Come Sail with Me, I’m sure you will figure it out.”








        After a long shower, and still naked, Cathy grabbed her comfy pillow and stretched out on the sofa and opened the novel to read the special autograft.


To Cathy Tibble, my bestie.

I hope our friendship will blossom and grow stronger, bringing us closer together, forever and ever.

With Much Love,

Kaylin McDowell


        She had just started reading the intro when her phone interrupted, glancing at the screen she saw it was Willy and denied the call, then turned off the phone while making a statement.

“Not tonight asshole.”

        Kaylin slowly climbed the long stairway that led up to Sally’s beach house overlooking the harbor, secretly hoping she would not be home. That wish was squashed after she softly tapped on the door and heard movement inside, then was met with a smiling Sally

“Hi, Baby Girl; this is a pleasant surprise; come on in.”

        Kaylin returned her smile as she stepped through the door and headed for the sofa. She made herself comfortable as Sally went in the direction of the kitchen while remarking about Kaylin’s attire.

“I will make us a cup of tea; I just love your outfit.”

        She looked down at the skimpy two-piece bikini she was wearing and scoffed at her comment.

“Mom, I haven’t been home to change after practice today.”

        Kaylin laid her head back and closed her eyes, waiting patiently for her hot cup of tea. When she heard Sally sit the cups down on the coffee table, she just wasn’t ready to open her eyes and face the world. She felt the movement of Sally sitting down beside her, then a gentle pat on her leg.

“What’s wrong with my baby girl?”

        Without making an effort to move, Kaylin rebutted.

“Nothing Mom; can’t I just drop by and say hi?”

With a stern tone, Sally gave her a directive.

“Don’t play that game with me young lady.”

        She opened her eyes, then slowly turned and gave her a smile.

“You always did have a knack for knowing when I was troubled.”

Sally carefully handed Kaylin her cup as she replied with a reminder.

“Of course, you’re my baby girl; I know your darkest secrets.”

Kaylin took a sip, then sat the cup back onto the table before responding.

“Well, I really, really pissed Cathy off.”

Sally could not help herself when she jokingly blurted out a sarcastic remark.

“Oh no, not your redheaded goddess.”

        Kaylin lifted her head from the sofa, and with a serious look, gave a stern, “MOM!”

Sally sat her cup down, then gently tapped her baby girl on the leg while pointing out a truth.

“I’m sorry, Dear; I shouldn’t joke about such things, but that is what you call her in your book.”

        Kaylin dropped her head back and stared up at the ceiling and made her accusation.

“Yeah, the book; that’s the whole issue; you do realize it’s mostly your fault.”

Sally instantly countered with a confused look.

“And just how do you determine that?”

        Keeping her eyes on the ceiling, Kaylin slashed her tone and sarcastically criticized what Sally had suggested years ago.

“Just write your deepest dreams down in a book if you really want them to come true.”

She stared at Kaylin for a moment before responding.

“Yeah; and?”

        Kaylin turned her head and stared back for a moment before explaining.

“Well; now, I have to give her an autograft copy.”

        Sally picked up her cup and took a sip of tea, then sat the cup back on the table with a request.

“Tell me all about it, Baby Girl.”

        Kaylin sat up and took a sip of tea, then began her tale of the day. She explained how she told Cathy she was an author; then emphasized, when she asked her to name a book; “Come Sail with Me, just came spilling out”. She explained that she promised her a signed copy, but then decided to give her, ‘Loving You’ instead. Sally listened as she sadly spoke of their little quarrel, then Kaylin once again leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling as she drew to a conclusion.

“So, if I don’t give her the book, she will never speak to me again; if I give her the book, after she reads it, she will never speak to me again; so, I’m damned if I do; and, damned if I don’t.”

Sally let out a slight giggle with her next comment.

“Very interesting.”

Kaylin instantly looked her way and  spoke with a demanding tone.

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean.”

Sally retrieved her cup as she calmly defended herself.

“Oh, nothing Dear; I just find it curious that you gave her the only book you wrote where the main characters are straight.”

        They both sat silent for a long moment, then Kaylin quietly responded.

“Mom, Cathy isn’t gay; and how do you know it’s my only straight book?”

Once again, Sally let her know just how many of her secrets she knew.

“Sweetie, I have read all your books at least twice; some, three or four times; so, have you told her you are?”

Kaylin rolled her eyes as she reproved her question.

“Geez, no Mom; I mean, you don’t just blurt out, “Hey, I’m lesbian” to someone you just met.”

Sally softly countered with a reminder of the first rule to a lasting relationship.

“Well, Baby Girl; besties don’t keep secrets from each other; anyway, I see the two of you sailing off into the sunset together.”

        Kaylin turned her head and stared at Sally with a statement of reality.

“This isn’t a book, Mom; this is real life.”

Sally just giggled her reply.

“Well, Baby Girl, it sure seems to be closely following the script.”

        Kaylin sat up and took another sip of tea, then decided it was time to go.

“I need to get home and shower; maybe even put on some clothes and try to start another book.”

Sally gave a look of surprise while inquiring about the book she has been working on for the last year.

“Oh, so you finished Shooting Star?”

        Kaylin answered as she rose and started for the door.

“Yap, finished it last night, and the main characters are straight; Cathy is working on the cover.”

        Sally quickly stood and walked her to the door with a recommendation.

“See there, things are working out as planned; now, I want you to think long and hard about what your autograft is going to say.”

        Kaylin stopped at the door and turned back to ask about her father..

“You were a member of Dad’s team on his last race; what Tat said, is it true?”

Sally took a deep breath before verifying.

“Yes dear, it was disappointing to say the least.”

        When Kaylin walked out the door and started down the steps, her last words left Sally astounded.

“I will pick my words to Cathy carefully, and maybe Captain Cheat-or-man will turtle this year.”

        After reading the first chapter of {Loving You} Cathy decided she best put it down and get to work on reading, {Shooting Star}; after all, the cover for that book was her bread and butter.

        Kaylin took a long soothing shower, then sat in front of her computer wrapped in her favorite bathrobe staring at a blank page. It seemed the more she attempted to devise a plot for a new story, the deeper she went into writer’s block. After the second cup of tea was almost gone and not one word had been placed, she turned the screen off and reached for a copy of {Come Sail with Me}, as she considered what her special message to Cathy would say.






        With clear blue skies and a steady ten-knot wind creating one-foot waves at seven second intervals, it could not have been more perfect for racing as the morning sun peeked over the horizon. Tat and Rebeca sat wrapped around each other on the tailgate of their mud-buggy soaked with mosquito spray, waiting for Kaylin and Cathy to show.

        As the sun’s rays brightened the curtains, Kaylin woke with a crick in her neck after fading off to sleep in front of her computer. Knowing she was running late, she rushed around quickly to get dressed and head out to Cathy’s.

        Cathy was still in a propped-up position on the sofa when she woke with {Shooting Star} lying open across her belly, then frantically jumped to her feet and began getting dressed. She decided to wait out front and scurried out the door while checking her phone to make sure there were no missed calls from her bestie.

        Kaylin was just pulling into the parking lot when Cathy exited her apartment. The petite redhead dashed over to the Bronco and opened the passenger door, then froze in shock as she commented on the blonde goddesses white bathing suit.

“Really Kaylin, a one piece.”

        Kaylin instantly countered.

“Don’t go there Cathy, I got dressed in a rush this morning; now, get in.”

        Cathy giggled her reply as she climbed in and closed the door.

“Yap; I overslept also.”

        Kaylin quickly headed out of the parking lot while surmising on her besties remark.

“A late night with Willy.”

        Cathy gave a disgusting squinty-eyed glare as she disputed.

“What! Geez no, I can’t stand that guy; I was working on the book cover.”

Kaylin was a bit surprised at her remark, considering the young man was somewhat handsome, and questioned her.

“Wait; are you trying to tell me you don’t find him attractive?”

        Cathy’s body gave a repulsive shiver as she opposed the allegation.

“You’re just being flat out gross now.”

        Kaylin let out a giggle while continuing to tease the redhead.

“Come on girlfriend, you like boys; don’t you?”

        Kaylin saw a serious expression come upon her face as Cathy stared straight out the windshield and stipulated.

“You know, I have never really thought about it; I mean; I did have a boyfriend once in college, if you really want to call him a boyfriend.”

Kaylin found her reply intriguing and instantly made a request.

“Oh wow; do tell all, Girlfriend.”

        Her gut pulled into a knot at Cathy’s first words when she started her tale.

“Yeah, sure; I mean, I have no secrets from you. At that age your hormones are going crazy…… you know how it is… anyway, all the girls told me how a boy could get that deep down itch scratched; so I got myself a boyfriend; well, the cure was worse than the ailment; I mean, about three months was all I could stand.”

Kaylin had never been sexually attracted to the opposite sex and was curious about her experience.

“So, you think sex with a boy is really that bad?”

Cathy glanced upward and thought for a moment before stipulating her assessment.

“Don’t get me wrong or anything; I mean, I’m definitely not gay; but, let me see if I can find a word; repulsive, nauseating, repugnant, disgusting; nah, I will stick with gross.”

        Kaylin lifted her eyebrows as she reacted to her description.

“Wow, you make it sound like a horror flick.”

        That just spurred Cathy on.

“Stop and think about it, Kaylin; you have this hairy man jump on top of you, and you’re not even wet down there yet, then he starts pounding away, and if you didn’t know better you would swear he was having some sort of asthma attack; and, oh my god, the sweat bombs; you have to close your eyes and hope one don’t fall into your schnozzle; then, after a couple minutes, he drops all his weight down on top of you, grunting like some wild pig rutting around in the woods; then rolls over, breathing like he just ran a fifty mile marathon; wait, that’s not the worst of it; then he gets up, struts around the room dripping his goop everywhere… like…look what I got, and you don’t have one.”

She finished her description by bringing it to a hard-point.

“Well, I hate to burst their bubble; but look what I got, I can have all those I want.”

        Kaylin shook her head with a hefty laugh before responding.

“After that depiction, I don’t think I want to try it.”

        Those words caused Cathy to turn and stare straight at her while asking an assumption.

“Wait-wait-wait; are you saying you have never had sex with a man?”

        Kaylin kept her eyes looking forward as she answered.

“Well, if we are being honest with each other… you know, besties and all…, then no; I have never had sex with a man.”

Shocked by her admittance, Cathy stared out the windshield while slowly and softly expressing her conclusion.

“Oh my god; my bestie; that’s older than me, is a virgin.”

        Now Kaylin was getting nervous, fearful the conversation might veer off into a direction she desperately wanted to avoid.

“Can we change the subject please.”

Cathy instantly looked her way and stipulated the reason for her to deny the request.

“No! you started it by asking for a tell all.”

All Kaylin could do is give a pleading look while she begged.

“Yeah, I know, Sweetie; but please.”

        Cathy smiled, then turned her focus back out the windshield as she agreed; but brought a grin to Kaylin’s face as she loudly whispered the last word.

“Okay; my girlfriends a virgin.”

        Kaylin realized she would have to be the one to change the subject in order to bring this conversation to a close.

“Okay, Sweetie; here’s what I have planned for the day; we are going to practice dropping the sails, and I don’t mean flake; when I give the order, I want those sails down like yesterday.”

This confused the petite redhead, and she questioned the reasoning.

“I don’t get it; I mean, how will that be useful in a race?”

Not wanting to reveal her plan, Kaylin just laid out instructions.

“Let me worry about that; with today’s wind, we will be hauling ass when I give the order; so, I need you to stand ready.”

Cathy shrugged her shoulders as she skeptically agreed.

“Okay; I don’t get it, but okay.”

Kaylin finished with one more confusing directive.

“One more thing, keep it to yourself; I want it to be a surprise to the crew.”

        Cathy lifted her eyebrows and shook her head in bewilderment as she gave a short giggle.

        Kaylin parked in a space where she and Cathy had a clear view of Sally standing at the back of the oversized mud-buggy speaking with Tat and Rebeca. When Kaylin shut off the engine, Cathy quickly speculated out loud about the two love birds sitting on the tailgate.

“Those two live together; I mean…. like, sleep together.”

        Kaylin focused on the two for a moment before responding.

“Yes, they love each other.”

        There was another moment of silence before Cathy stipulated.

“Wow; you know, I have never met a lesbian before; I mean; not that I’m aware of.”

        Another moment of silence before Kaylin replied.

“You sound surprised.”

Cathy kept her gaze as she revealed what she had supposed.

“Well yeah; I mean; I always figured lesbians were like…… short, fat, snaggletooth women with big noses; you know, the kind that couldn’t get a date if their lives depended on it; but those two, they are really unbelievably attractive.”

Kaylin glanced her way with a reply.

“Does that bother you?”

Cathy considered her comments may have sounded prejudice and quickly countered.

“Geez no; in fact, I find it rather intriguing.”

        Kaylin held her glance with a smile as she softly speculated on Cathy’s label.

“Intriguing: an interesting word.”

        Cathy regressed back to her bubbly self and agreed as she opened her door.

“Yap, it sure is; now let’s get to work.”

        Thirty minutes later the sixty-foot Schooner was skimming across the water as if it were a hydrofoil. Kaylin was confident in a win as she observed the team maneuvering like a well-oiled machine, each member seeming to comprehend what the others were contemplating before they even made a move. Rebeca and Sally were standing by the winches at the ready to adjust the sheets, and Tat was in her favorite zone just hiking out. Kaylin stepped up beside Cathy and gave her the look that said, here we go, then commenced shouting as if they were about to fall off the edge of the world.

“Drop all sails; drop all sails; dammit, now; I said drop the sails.”

        Her crying order stunned the crew for a moment, and each paused for a second or two with their own vision of disaster happening to the boat. With Cathy at the helm, Tat quickly pulled herself onto the deck and joined the others in bringing down the sails. When the boat came to a standstill they looked around at each other, then all stared at Kaylin. Tat took a step closer to her and insisted on clarification.

“What the hell, Kaylin?”

        Kaylin took a step closer to her with a quick reminder of who was in charge.

“I’ve already reprimanded you once about that tone with me.”

Tat kept her stare and challenged her.

“Fine; but that was bullshit, and you know it.”

Kaylin instantly countered with authority.

“Don’t question my orders; I give them, and you follow; understood.”

        They stood staring into each other’s eyes for a long moment, then Kaylin gave her next instructions.

“Okay people, that was as slow as molasses; let’s see if we can get this down to a science; raise the sails and let’s do it again.”

        Once they were gliding across the water again, Sally walked up beside Kaylin, noting her suspicions.

“I know what you’re planning; do you really think you will be able to live with it?”

        Kaylin rolled her eyes down at her with a serious expression.

“I will sleep just fine, Mom; just fine.”

Sally questioned her on everyone’s safety.

“And if someone gets hurt?”

Kaylin insisted she knew what she was doing.

“Don’t worry Mom, I will make sure he stalls before he flips.”

Sally glanced around at the crew, then made a statement.

“Well, I think you should inform Tat of your little scheme; maybe she’s not a willing participant.”

        Kaylin glanced back at the stocky tattooed woman, which had returned to her favorite zone, then replied.

“Yeah, not really in the mood for explanations; you go tell her.”

Sally agreed as she turned and walked away.

“Okay, Baby Girl, I can do that.”

        Tat greeted her with surprise when Sally took hold of a strap and leaned out beside her.

“Hey, Miss Sally; what’s up?”

She gave her a glance, then focused back across the boat while responding.

“I feel you should know what Kaylin has in mind.”

Staring across the boat along with her, Tat invited the information.

“That would be nice; dropping the sails is something you just don’t do in a race.”

Sally glanced back her way with a worried look as she spelled it out.

“Well, during the race Kaylin plans to turtle Captain Cleitermon; so, if you want out, now is the time to say so.”

        Tat turned to her with a possum grin.

“I wouldn’t miss it for all the tea in China.”

Sally slightly shook her head while giving a suggestion.

“Okay; but, we have to get this down to perfection.”

Tat glanced her way and proudly pronounced.

“Tell Captain Kaylin, let’s do this.”

        As the day progressed, their efficiency improved when Tat convinced the crew that trying to flake the sails was just taking too much time, and the technique of handing would accomplish their secret mission more proficiently.






        Kaylin and Cathy were feeling the strain of an extra-long day of practice as they pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex. The two sat staring at each other as Cathy racked her brain, then suddenly remembered what she was forgetting.

“Oh shit; my book, did you bring me my book.”

        Kaylin quickly reached to open the center console as she answered.

“Oh my goodness; yes, I did.”

        Cathy stared at the cover for a long moment, then twisted it in one direction while looking across it; then moved it in the other direction as she kept her gaze, then brought it to a close full-frontal view and began asking questions.

“Is that you standing on the Bow?”

        Kaylin could feel the nervousness inside as she did her best to speak with some control.

“Her name is Samantha.”

        Then Cathy moved her finger back to the stern and excitingly articulated what she was seeing.

“Oh my god; that’s me!”

Kaylin instantly corrected her statement

“Her name is Pricilla.”

        Cathy slowly looked up and gave a confused look with her inquiry.

“When did you write this?”

Kaylin calmly replied with a smile.

“It was published thirteen months ago.”

Cathy returned her focus to the book cover and quietly made her analysis.

“But, we hadn’t met then; so, that means I have been in your mind for a long time.”

        Kaylin squirmed a bit in her seat but answered truthfully.

“Sweetie, the book is fiction; but yes, I have dreamed of having a girlfriend such as you ever since I was a teenager.”

        Cathy stared at the cover with the sixty-foot Schooner topping a huge wave with their lookalikes on deck and whispered.

“This is so freaking cool; I can’t wait to read it.”

        Kaylin was relieved that her remark about having a girlfriend flew past without being recognized, and quickly changed the subject.

“Okay, Love; I’m beat, so let’s get going.”

        Cathy slipped from the Bronco with her new book, then turned and stared at Kaylin for a moment. She pointed up and down at her with a suggestion of a new attire.

“Tomorrow wear the flesh colored two piece; I like that one best.”

        Kaylin glanced over and replied with a smile.

“I didn’t realize you were scrutinizing.”

Cathy giggled out her response.

“Kaylin; you are standing right in front of me most of the day; how could I not notice such beauty?”

The end of her statement made Kaylin want to jump from the vehicle and take the redheaded goddess into her arms, but she held her composure and calmly confirmed.

“Okay; if that’s your favorite, then the flesh colored one it shall be.”

Cathy’s portrayal of that particular attire caught Kaylin off guard.

“Yeah; with that one, I don’t have to use much imagination to see you standing there nude; oh geez, I should not have said that; I’m so sorry.”

        Kaylin held her stare for a moment before responding with a slight giggle.

“Love, it’s my honored to have you stare at my naked butt as much as you like.”

        Cathy tilted her head to the side and reminisced with a smile.

“Yeah; like… you have already seen mine.”

That morning when Cathy came bubbling out of the bathroom completely naked unfurled within Kaylin’s psyche as she replied with a complement.

“Yes: yes I have; and it looks amazing.”

Cathy wasn’t sure why she said what she said next as a warmth encompassed her body, but it was out there and there was no taking it back.

“Thanks; but it’s only fair that I get to see yours someday.”

        Kaylin was stunned with the direction this conversation was headed and quickly diverted.

“Girlfriend, it’s a date; but I’m really tired and need to get home.”

        Cathy quickly joked about the date comment, then closed the door and headed for her apartment.

“Well, that will have to be date number three; we still have a muddin date.”

        Cathy took her quick shower, then settled down on the sofa in the buff and opened her new book to read her special autograft. She was tantalized by the words and had to read them several times.



To my dearest Cathy Tibble,

who now holds the most

sacred piece of my heart.

These words you are about

to read depict more than

just a fictional romance story. Mixed within are some of my most cherished dreams, hopes, wishes, and desires; a window into my very soul, if you will.

Please read with care.

You will always be my bestie.

With my deepest love.

Kaylin McDowell.


        Even though she was exhausted, Kaylin felt the need to stop by and visit the one person she could always count on during troubled times, and Sally expressed her joy when she answered the door.

“I am really feeling privileged, twice in one week; do come in Baby Girl.”

        Kaylin quickly stated this was a short visit as she took her usual seat on the sofa while Sally headed for the kitchen.

“I’m not staying long, Mom; I am really tired.”

        Sally joyfully replied as she disappeared into the kitchen.

“Okay Dear; just one cup of tea.”

        Once tea was served, Sally stared at her for a moment, then commented on her demeanor.

“You do worry me so, Kaylin; with your depressed attitude these days.”

        Kaylin leaned her head back against the sofa and stared up at the ceiling why specifying the reason for her troubled mind.

“I gave her the book; the one with my deepest secrets and desires.”

        Sally’s surmise caused her to turn and give a gaze.

“I’m sure she will love it as much as I did.”

        Once again, Kaylin brought her conclusion to a hard point.

“Mom, Cathy isn’t a lesbian; but she will soon figure out I am.”

        Sally’s next stipulation caused her to raise her head.

“Perhaps; but you don’t see what I see.”

Kaylin focused on her eyes as she spoke with a stern tone.

 “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

        Sally took a sip of tea before calmly explaining.

“The way she looks at you; I mean; how could you know; she turns her head away every time you glance her way.”

Kaylin instantly demanded clarification.

“Mom; what the hell are you talking about?”

Sally carefully placed her cup down on the coffee table before responding.

“That pretty little redhead can’t keep her eyes off you; she is constantly staring.”

        Kaylin flopped her head back against the sofa as she invalidated Sally’s observations.

“Mom, I instructed her to keep her eyes on me; you know, to watch for my signals.”

Sally quickly reinforced her opinion.

“No, Baby Girl; I’m old enough to know coveting when I see it; nope, she is definitely captivated by you.”

        Kaylin sat up and took a couple sips of her tea, then slowly rose from the sofa.

“You always do know how to cheer me up when I’m feeling down; but, I best get going, I know you are as tired as I am.”

        Sally quickly stood and escorted her to the door.

“I will never be too tired for my Baby Girl.”

        Kaylin spent another restless night drinking tea and staring at a blank page on her computer screen, consumed with writer’s block.

          Cathy tried getting through the first chapter of Come Sail with Me, but after arguing with Willy over the phone about what music they would be playing, it left her too exhausted.






        Kaylin was feeling a bit more at ease this morning, considering what Sally had told her about Cathy’s eyeing, and smiled as she held up the skimpy, flesh-colored two-piece that her bestie requested.

        Cathy was still a bit agitated this morning and took a long shower, attempting to wash away the dingy grim feeling from her discussions with Willy last night. His memory quickly faded as she slowly slipped into her shortest cut off short-shorts and put on a size-small bikini top; after all, unlike Kaylin, she didn’t have a whole lot that needed bound. Her mind filled with anticipation of standing at the helm watching her tall, beautiful, blonde goddess promenade around the Bow in her flesh-colored bikini.

        She seemed a little spaced out when climbing into the Bronco this morning, and Kaylin inquired about her distraction.

“Hey, Girlfriend; is everything okay?”

        Cathy gave a warm smile with her evasive response.

“Yeah; I mean; nothing I can’t handle.”

        While making their way toward the harbor, Kaylin grew concerned that she may have read enough of the book to figure out her sexual orientation, that being the reason for the silent treatment; so, she carefully inquired.

“So, did you get started on ‘Come Sail with Me’?”

        Without looking her way, Cathy answered with a straightforward tone.

“I’m in love with the autograft; but not really; Willy kept interrupting with his stupid phone calls.”

        Kaylin had barely gotten parked at the harbor when Tat made a beeline to the Bronco with Rebeca close behind, and no sooner than she had gotten out Tat was already talking.

“We need to make this a quick day; and by quick, I mean we should take the day off.”

        Cathy had made it around and was standing beside her by the time Kaylin could inquire as to why, and Tat was giving an answer,

“There is this thing me and Rebeca want to go to.”

        Being the author she was, Kaylin had to correct her speech.

“You mean, Rebeca and I would like to attend an event; so, what kind of event.”

        Before answering, Tat gave her one of the best confused expressions she had ever seen on a woman’s face.

“Yeah; that’s what I said: it’s out at Parker’s ranch.”

        Cathy had her phone out and expressed disbelief before Kaylin could respond.

“Bullshit; where did you hear this?”

Tat quickly assured it was true.

“It was posted late last night; kind of a spare of the moment thing.”

        After a couple seconds of scanning her phone, Cathy concurred.

“Yap; there it is: how did I miss that?”

        Completely mystified, Kaylin demanded clarification.

“What the hell are you two talking about!”

        Then she saw a spark of light come into Cathy’s beautiful cat-green eyes when she raised her arms over her head and loudly explained with one word.


        Kaylin looked each one in the eye before speaking.

“So, you three want to go driving in the mud?”

        Cathy’s answer was lengthy, and completely dumbfounded Kaylin.

“Yes! There is nothing more fun or relaxing than a day spent playing in the mud; anyway, this is the perfect opportunity for us to get our second date out of the way; so we can start planning the third one you promised.”

        Kaylin had to give in when she saw the pleading in Cathy’s eyes.

“Okay, I can deal with that.”

        Tat and Rebeca didn’t wait for the word okay to be completed before heading for their oversized mud-buggy. Sally gave Kaylin a peck on the cheek, said her goodbye, then headed toward her beach house.

        Kaylin elucidated this would be the perfect time to get her sign man to replace the name on the side of her Schooner.

“I can use this time to get the name changed on the boat; so, you go have fun, Sweetie.”

Cathy instantly questioned her statement.

“What are you talking about?”

Not realizing what Cathy was really referencing, Kaylin just calmly explained.

“Well, I got a letter from the racing commission, I must take the boat out of my father’s name and register it in mine; so, I decided to change her name while I was at it.”

        Kaylin was taken aback when Cathy’s enthusiasm instantly turned to discontent.

“That’s not what I meant; you have to come with.”

        Kaylin gave a slight laugh as she disagreed.

“Sweetheart, I don’t know the first thing about muddin; I would probably just be a bore.”

         Disappointment was prominent in Cathy’s tone when she turned and started for the passenger door of the Bronco.

“Fine; take me home; I will just work on the book cover.”

        Kaylin slipped behind the wheel, then sat and stared at the frustrated petite redhead for a moment before responding.

“Is me going really that important to you?”

Keeping her focus straight out the windshield, Cathy sternly stipulated.

“If you’re not going, then I’m not going; I mean; what fun would it be without you there?”

        Kaylin searched her brain for an excuse, but nothing came to mind.

“Sweetie, I thought you loved muddin.”

Cathy seemed to have a way of saying things that would catch Kaylin completely off guard.

“Yeah; well, when someone breaks their second date with you it has a way of ruining your day.”

        Kaylin quickly reached across the console and pulled her into a tight embrace.

“No-no-no, Sweetheart; I did not realize you were serious about this being a date; I would never do that to you.”

        With her arms wrapped tight around Kaylin, Cathy validated that it was indeed a date.

“Well, I considered it to be: I may not be gay, but I’m looking forward to our third date you promised.”

        Kaylin gave a loud giggle as she released her, then started the engine.

“Okay, Girlfriend; I guess we need to stop by my place and change.”

        She saw an instant change in Cathy’s attitude, and her demeanor did a one-eighty.

“So you are coming with?”

Kaylin modestly answered.

“Yes Dear; but, I have never been to one of these things; so, you will need to explain what’s taking place.”

        Now Cathy was bouncing up and down in the seat like a restless teenager.

“YES! And no, we are dressed perfectly fine; all we need to do is go get my mud-buggy.”

Again, Kaylin was caught off guard.

“Wait: we’re going in your car?”

Without giving a direct answer, Kaylin could hear the excitement in Cathy’s voice.

“This is going to be the best damned muddin day I have ever had.”

        When they pulled out of the harbor, Kaylin touched a button on the dash and told her Bronco to call the sign maker. Cathy could not help but laugh while making a sarcastic remark.

“Yap; one of those high falutin rich girls.”

        Kaylin pulled into a parking space at the apartment complex and shut off the engine, then sat there closely examining Cathy’s weird looking Gremlin. Cathy had her door open halfway when Kaylin began to speak.

“Sweetie, are you sure that thing will get us there and back; I mean; it’s really old.”

        Cathy pulled her door back shut with a loud giggle, then proudly detailed the workings of her mud-buggy.

“Girlfriend, that’s not a seventy-three Gremlin; yeah, the body is: but it’s sitting atop of the chassis of a two-thousand-five Ford Ranger four-by-four.”

Kaylin quietly replied with raised eyebrows.

“I did not know that was even possible.”

Cathy giggled while continuing with the description of her vehicle.

“Yap; just look at it; have you ever seen a Gremlin sit that high off the ground with huge mud tires?”

        Kaylin tilted her head to one side as she kept her eyes locked onto the yellow bumblebee and stipulated her opinion.

“It’s definitely one of a kind.”

        Cathy agreed with that statement, then gave a warning as she slipped from the Bronco.

“Yap; I lost the muffler the last time I went muddin, so she’s a bit loud.”

        Kaylin could feel every pebble and twig that the custom-built mud buggy bounced across on the twenty-minute eardrum bursting drive through the countryside. She was relieved when Cathy slowed and turned across a cattle-guard, then carefully drove down what looked to be a wagon-trail, dodging huge craters. When a large body of water seemed to block their path and Cathy pulled to a stop, Kaylin glanced over and questioned her bubbly bestie.

“Are you sure we are at the right place?”

        Her heart skipped a beat when the last thing she expected happened, and Cathy’s grin seemed to reach from one ear to the other. Cathy stared out the windshield and gave her blonde goddess a little friendly advice as she shifted into four-wheel-drive, then ended with a shout.

“Hang on, Girlfriend: we’re going…. MUDDIN!”

        Kaylin had kept quiet about all the weird quirks mounted within the vehicle; for instance, the heavy-duty roll-bars that surrounded them both, and the full harness seat belts; but she screamed out the redhead’s name when she pressed the accelerator to the floor. At that point, she quickly realized what the strange looking hand-grip-bar attached to the dash in front of her was for. Within a few seconds, Kaylin was in a constant screech when the hood seemed to disappear under the murky water, then suddenly the entire vehicle became encased within a brown gooey substance. The feel of hydroplaning for a few seconds caused a small squirt of urine to escape from Kaylin, and when they emerged on the other side she was taking short, labored breaths and her words were shocking. Cathy had never heard that kind of language coming from Kaylin before.

“Are you fucking crazy?”

Cathy quickly used her own metaphor back on her.

“Oh come on girlfriend, that was fun.”

        Kaylin turned and stared at her through wide eyes and loudly refuted.

“Fun: fun; that was fucking terrifying.”

Cathy just giggled out a tease.

“There will be a better mudhole up ahead.”

With wide eyes, Kaylin stared out the windshield while shouting.

“No! hell no; you stop this right now.”

        She tightened her grip on the bar as another large body of water appeared to cover the trail up ahead, and Cathy was denying her request.

“If you can take me sailing in a storm, then I can damned well take you muddin; hang on, Love, we’re going MUDDIN.”

        After slushing through a couple more mudholes, Kaylin had adjusted her attitude and was beginning to enjoy the thrill. Suddenly, she let loose another horrific scream when a black monster of a truck came out of nowhere and bounced across the trail right in front of them. Cathy immediately turned the wheel and slid in behind, staying a few car lengths back as they went slip-sliding through the swampy landscape following the path it was creating. With the roar of not having a muffler, Kaylin had to yell.

“What are you doing.”

Keeping the huge black truck within sight, Cathy stipulated with a smile.

“That’s Tat and Rebeca; I can go anywhere they can go.”

        The cat and mouse chase went on for about five minutes before pulling up on solid dry ground. Cathy made a circle around the black beast and pulled alongside to where her window was on the driver’s side of the large truck. They both rolled down their windows and Tat gave a smile as she shook her head with a complement.

“Damn girl, you’re not half bad.”

        Cathy confirmation brought out a laugh from Tat, but she had to disagree with her analyses.

“Nothing in life is better than muddin.”

Tat slightly shook her head as she argued.

“Well, I believe sex may be a bit better.”

Cathy instantly countered.

“Ewe, no way.”

        Tat tilted her head as she looked down at her, then speculated about her declaration.

“You just haven’t found the right person yet.”

Cathy quickly implied about her sexual experience.

“Well, I had a boyfriend once, and it was gross; nope, muddin is where it’s at.”

        As Tat gave another hefty laugh she noticed Kaylin still holding a tight grip on the handrail.

“So, how is our Captain doing?”

        Cathy glanced over at her co-driver, then back to Tat with a giggle.

“I think she pissed her pants.”

        Kaylin scolded her through tight lips.


        Tat confirmed the day’s activities and offered to meet them there.

“Well, about twenty showed up so far; we are gathering at the river; the fight starts in about an hour; so, we will see you there.”

        Cathy agreed to reunification, then jokingly stipulated before rolling up her window.

“Last one there buys the food.”

        Once they were slipping and sliding again, Kaylin disappointingly beseeched her.

“Did you really need to tell her I pissed my pants.”

Cathy instantly countered.

“I was joking.”

Kaylin turned her face away as she quietly replied.

“Oh, okay.”

Then it dawned on Cathy why Kaylin was so upset about her joking.

“Wait; did you really pee?”

        Cathy had to strain her ears as Kaylin quietly answered.

“Yes; yes, I did.”

        There was a moment of silence before they both broke out in laughter.

        Kaylin expressed surprise when Cathy parked her yellow bumblebee among the other mud-covered vehicles with oversized tires.

“Wow, Tat said twenty; but there has to be a hundred people here.”

        Her misunderstanding brought out a giggle from Cathy as she clarified.

“No Kaylin, she meant twenty vehicles; most bring like, four or five people with.”

        When Cathy opened her door, Kaylin gently grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to a stop.

“Wait; fighting is one-hundred percent off limits; I’m not going there.”

        Cathy gave her a confused look as she responded.

“Fighting; no one is fighting; what are you talking about?”

Kaylin held her grip as she reminded her of Tat’s comment.

“Tat said, the fight starts in about an hour,”

Cathy clarified with a giggle.

“No-no-no, don’t be silly; she was talking about ladies mud wrestling.”

Kaylin released her grip as she embarrassingly replied.

“Oh, I see; well, I’ve seen enough movies to know what that consists of.”

        The sweet aroma of bar-b-cue filled the air from the line of working grills as they slowly walked through the crowd. Kaylin was now thinking maybe she should have changed her attire, considering the appearance of a flesh-colored bikini. She gently wrapped her arm around Cathy’s and quietly spoke through tight lips.

“Everyone is staring.”

Cathy strutted alongside her with pride as she submitted her reasoning.

“Yeah; well, when a beautiful, tall, blue-eyed, blonde-haired goddess that appears to be nude walks among the peasants, of course they are going to gawk.”

        After Cathy showed Kaylin how to place her bet on who would win the fight, the two beauties strolled down toward the river to wash off the mud that seemed to have jumped on them during their swamp escapades. Kaylin began to ponder on how she would know if the girl she picked would be the winner of the contest and queried.

“So, how do they declare a winner?”

Cathy laughed out her explanation.

“That’s easy, the first one to be bereaved of her bottoms loses.”

        After a short splash in the river, they sat on the bank watching Tat and Rebeca playfully skinny-dipping. Kaylin recalled what Cathy had told her before, and suggested she join in on the fun.

“You don’t have to sit here with me, you can join them if you like.”

Cathy instantly refuted.

“Geez no; I’m perfectly content right here.”

Kaylin recapped what Cathy had said previously.

“You told me that you liked nudity.”

Cathy glanced over and countered with a stipulation.

“Yeah; when I’m at home where no one can see me; but, not in public.”

Once again, Kaylin reminded Cathy of her past actions.

“Wait, you promenaded out of the bathroom right in front of me; freshly shaven an all.”

Cathy quickly let her know that was not the same, then questioned the end of her statement.

“Well yeah; but that’s different; wait, you notice that?”

Kaylin responded with a sly smile.

“How could I not notice such beauty; now, how is that any different?”

Cathy focused back toward the river and replied while shrugging her shoulders.

“I don’t know how to explain it; it just is.”

There was no way Kaylin was going to let her get away with that answer.

“I’m an author, and now intrigued; please, Sweetie, do elaborate.”

        Cathy kept her gaze out across the river and thought for a moment before attempting to describe her sentiment.

“Okay, I’ll try; let’s see; it’s like…I am you, and you are me; I mean; it’s like… we are a ball of universe energy compressed into one big sparkle of light; dang it; I mean…. I just feel safe when I’m with you; [Cathy rolled her eyes up and away from Kaylin and quietly concluded] “Geez, that was really lame.”

        Kaylin gently intertwined their fingers together as she responded.

“No, Love; that was perfect; in fact, I’m going to find a way to put that in my next book.”

        Cathy looked back at her with excitement filled eyes.


Kaylin pulled their shoulders together as she confirmed.

 “Yes, really.”

        Cathy stared across the river and softly expressed her emotions.

“Wow; now I am a co-writer; this is the best damned mud-day of my life.”

        The rest of the day was spent dancing to live music, cheering on the mud wrestlers, and eating bar-b-cue, with mixed in bouts of slipping and sliding through the wet marshland.

        The sun was sitting low on the horizon as Cathy drove down the back highway toward town as Kaylin tried to recall a time when she’d had so much fun, but nothing came to mind. It was a relief to the ears when Cathy pulled into her parking space and shut off the engine, then they exited the yellow mud-covered contraption and silently walked over to the Bronco while the ringing in their ears subsided. Kaylin opened her door, then turned back to her bestie and allocated.

“Cathy, I’m being completely honest when I say; I can’t remember having such an entertaining day; thank you.”

        Cathy took a step closer with a supplement.

“It was you that made the whole day worthwhile; and you’re not a bad dancer either.”

Kaylin felt jittery with the redhead standing so close as they gazed into each other’s eyes as she softly replied.

“Well, I hope we do it again someday soon.”

        Cathy took another step right up against Kaylin, placing her hands on top of her shoulders, then raised up onto her tiptoes and gently pulled the blonde goddess down and gave her a quick peck on the lips before turning and heading in the direction of her apartment while giggling a response.

“We will make it happen; you always get a kiss on the second date, and I hope the third one is just around the corner; I’ll see you in the morning.”

        Kaylin stood in captivity until her petite redhead crush disappeared inside her apartment, then slid behind the wheel as she whispered out loud.

“Be careful girlfriend, because I’m looking forward to our third date also.”

        Sally answered the door with a huge smile and a comment that baffled Kaylin.

“Hi, Baby Girl; I am so glad you met Cathy.”

        Kaylin stepped through the door and headed for her favorite seat as she questioned her statement.

“Why is that, Mom?”

Sally slowly closed the door while entailing her reasoning.

“Well, three times in a row you have stopped by to visit.”

        Kaylin leaned her head back against the sofa and stared at the ceiling the way she always does when feeling troubled.

 “Yeah; well, that girl is really starting to confuse me.”

        Sally started for the kitchen to make them some tea, but Kaylin quickly declined.

“No, Mom; I don’t want any tea.”

        That worried Sally, and she immediately took a seat beside her baby girl.

“Oh dear; this must be serious.”

        Without lifting her head, Kaylin turned and looked at her.

“She kissed me Mom; I mean; not a real kiss, just a little peck on the lips; but still, my knees almost buckled out from under me”

Sally gave a smile as she surmised the situation.

“Oh wow; I do believe your redheaded goddess is falling for you.”

        Kaylin returned to staring at the ceiling while disputing.

“Mom, Cathy has made it abundantly clear; she is not a lesbian.”

Sally countered, then diverted the conversation.

“I’m telling you Baby Girl, she is falling for you; now, how was your day of muddin?”

        Once again Kaylin turned her head, but this time with a gratifying smile.

“It was the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life.”

Sally gave some encouragement while patting her on the leg.

“See there, you two will make the perfect couple.”

        Kaylin returned staring at the ceiling and stipulated.

“Mom, she’s not gay; and still doesn’t know I am.”

        Sally gently rubbed Kaylin’s shoulder while giving some motherly advice.

“Don’t you worry yourself about little minor details; now, you go home and get rested for tomorrow; and know in your heart, that pretty little girl is falling for you.”

        Kaylin rose along with Sally as she agreed.

“Yeah, I’m probably reading way too much into this.”

        Sally gave her a gentle embrace as she countered her remark.

“She did kiss you.”

Kaylin was not thinking when her next words came spilling out.

“Yeah, and she wants to see my naked butt.”

        Sally stopped for a second and stipulated.

“That; was a bit too much information, Dear.”

Realizing what she had admitted, Kaylin just shrugged her shoulders and giggled a reply.

“I’m just saying.”

Sally continued ushering her toward the door while giving reassurance.

“You go home and get some rest; I know you two are going to be just fine.”

Kaylin came to a stop while pointing out something important.

“I genuinely hope so; you know she’s the girl of my dreams.”

Sally placed her hand into the small of Kaylin’s back and continued guiding her toward the door with words of encouragement.

“Yes, Baby Girl, I know; now, you must really be going;”

Kaylin instantly brought them to a halt, then gazed at her while speaking with a stern voice.

“Mom; why the rush.”

        Sally quickly continued escorting her to the door as she explained.

“Well, if you must know; Jimmy is on his way over to take me out to dinner.”

        She stood at the door watching Kaylin slowly walked down the stairs while loudly reciting over and over.

“Sally and Jimmy sitting in a tree; K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

        After a long soothing bath, she was having another restless night of writer’s block; but now, she could justify a legitimate excuse. Her psyche constantly refreshed the sweet, natural, aroma that inundated her nostrils, along with the electrifying warmth felt when Cathy’s lips tenderly pressed against hers. It may have been just a peck, but the enthralling encounter kept repetitively replaying in her psyche. Around midnight, with not one word typed out on the screen, she called it quits and went to bed.

        Cathy stood naked in front of her full-length mirror after a quick shower, contemplating on why a beautiful blonde goddess would even consider wanting an average girl such as herself as a best friend. She took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled while staring into the cat-green eyes the image reflected, then determined it would be best to keep the wondering to herself; after all, she was starting to have strange feelings she could not explain for this new woman in her life. She turned her phone off completely and picked up Come Sail with Me, then snatched a pillow from the bed and headed for the sofa. After finishing chapter four, she glanced at the clock that showed 3 am. and decided it would be best to try and get some sleep.







        Dawn was just an hour away when Kaylin stood in front of her dresser roaming through her bikini drawer, searching for the right one; the one that would capture and hold her redheaded goddess’s attention. She held up the sky-blue bottoms with a long consideration before discarding it onto the small pile now lying on the floor. Glancing back into the drawer, she saw it; the corner piece of a midnight tinted fabric peeking out from behind the red one. A devious smile came upon her face as she carefully pinched the exposed piece of black cloth between her forefinger and thumb, then slowly extracted it from its hiding place. The tiny triangular shaped item measuring three-inches across the top, then sloping down to a rounded-tip at five inches long, gave her a trilling sensation deep inside. The tiny straps that wrapped over the hips were flesh colored, along with the threadlike string that would be hiddenly tucked in the depth between her butt cheeks giving an appearance of nudity. She placed the G-string bottom on top of the dresser, then went in search of the matching top that would just cover a bit more than the nipples of her well-developed breast.

        Cathy was feeling a little fatigued this morning from the lack of sleep, along with the soreness one feels the day after mud wrestling; but was proud her tall, blonde goddess won the bet she had placed. When she turned on her phone there were ten missed calls from Willy, so she tossed it onto the bed and went digging through her drawer of cutoff jeans. When a speck of red caught her eye, she giggled to herself and carefully retrieved the skimpy G-string bottoms she had never worn. Recalling buying the bright red garment that blended perfectly with her hair, and thinking, ‘maybe someday’, she glanced at the girl in the mirror and informed her that today was the day, then went in search of the matching top.

        When Cathy opened the door on the Bronco, she froze in place and stared at Kaylin sitting behind the wheel wearing the same style of extra-long tee-shirt she had on. Kaylin smiled as she gave the best excuse she had.

“Yeah; I had to stop and get gas this morning and didn’t want my neighbors gawking.”

        As they headed out for the harbor, Cathy questioned what little she had read of the book.

“I’m on chapter four of ‘Come Sail with Me’, and I don’t get it; I mean; like… we just met a few weeks ago; yet the story is our story. and I’m talking down to the details; except for the music part.”

        Knowing Samantha’s disclosure of being a lesbian wasn’t until chapter thirteen, she struggled to taper the similarities.

“Just remember, Sweetie; it’s just a fictional romance.”

        Cathy instantly turned and stared with a serious look while debating.

“No-no, Kaylin; it’s not just make-believe; I have memorized the autograft; no ma’am, it’s much more than fiction.”

        They finished their journey in silence, considering Kaylin couldn’t attain a reasonable comeback to her statement. Once parked at the harbor, Kaylin quickly went to the back and opened the hatch to retrieve a medium size ice chest, then Cathy inquired about her actions..


Kaylin joyfully explained while wrestling the cooler out.

“Well, Girlfriend; I was thinking we could have chili dogs out on the boat this afternoon; we may not have time to eat later; I mean; with us having to go to the Dirty Crawdad tonight for your gig.”

        She quickly sat the cooler down when her words brought out a look of despair, along with a comment from Cathy.

“You’re getting good at ruining my days.”

Kaylin quickly stood and softly inquired about her demeanor.

“Hey, Love; talk to me; what’s going on?”

Keeping her focus down, Cathy shrugged her shoulders while quietly replying.

“It’s just that dumbass Willy.”

        Kaylin gently took her by the hand and pulled her to a sitting position on the back of the Bronco.

“Talk to me.”

        Cathy gently tightened her grip on Kaylin’s hand, took a deep breath, then began her tale, which ended with a stern tone.

“He thinks he is in charge of everything; he’s constantly calling me; hell, this morning when I turned on my phone, I had ten missed calls all from him; and yeah, I now have to keep my phone turned off; then the music; come on, none of the regulars at Dirty Crawdad wants to hear rap; especially the crap he writes.”

        Kaylin released her hand and lovingly placed her arm around Cathy’s shoulders, pulling her sad redhead close while giving some advice.

“Well, Babe; you will just have to set him straight on who’s band it is.”

        Cathy laid her head down on her shoulder as she continued.

“Yeah, I tried; but he said if I didn’t get with the program he would have to replace me.”

If possible, there would have been flames shooting from Kaylin’s eyes as she loudly proclaimed.

“Well that arrogant son-of-a-bitch; don’t you worry, I’ll take care of it.”

        Cathy instantly sat straight up and contested with a firm tone.

“No! geez no; I’m not a child, I will handle it.”

Kaylin reluctantly agreed as she stipulated a few things.

“Nope, you are definitely not a child; tonight you march in there and tell that creep to stay off your stage; remember, this is your gig, not his.”

        Her words put a smile on Cathy’s face as she concurred, then finished with a giggle.

“Yeah; this is my little world, I was just allowing him to be a part of it; well, no more; wait, it’s kind of sad that I lost my band before we even played our first night.”

Kaylin gently kissed the side of her head, then gave encouragement.

“That’s right, Beautiful; I love hearing the way you sing all by yourself.”

        Cathy leaned back so to see into her sky-blue eyes and whispered.

“You really think I’m beautiful?”

        Kaylin gave a big smile and looked deep into her cat-green eyes.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met; also, Tat and Rebeca are staring at us from the deck of the boat.”

        Keeping her eyes locked on Kaylin’s, Cathy quietly replied.

“I guess we should go then; I mean; we wouldn’t want them to think we are gay or anything.”

        It took every ounce of Kaylin’s inner strength to keep from pulling the petite redhead into an erotic kiss as she concurred.

“Yap; let’s go.”

        They put the universe on pause and just gazed into each other’s eye for an extra-long moment, then Cathy blinked, bringing them back to reality. This time Cathy’s deep breath had a hint of nervousness as she stood and gripped one side of the ice chest.

“Come on, Love; we can handle this together.”


While Kaylin took the other side, she could not be one-hundred-percent certain, but the enticing tone Cathy used with her last remark caused her to consider it to be an innuendo. When they approached the back of the Schooner, Cathy pulled them to a stop using the ice chest as she read the new name in big bold back lettering.


“Really, Kaylin?”

        Kaylin just smiled as she started them back on their way and softly replied.

“I have my reason.”

        Tat and Rebeca stood arm and arm as they watched the two beauties bring the cooler on board, then Tat made a sarcastic remark about their attire.

“So, is today wear your long tee-shirt day.”

        Cathy answered her inquiry as Kaylin carried the goodies down to the galley.

“She had to stop for gas, and I don’t have an excuse.”

        Fifteen minutes later they were out of the harbor and raising the sails. Once the four-knot wind was propelling the boat, Sally stepped up to the Bow beside Kaylin.

“What’s up with your attire, Baby Girl? I have never seen you dressed like that before.”

        Kaylin glanced down at her long tee-shirt and giggled her response.

“Oh shoot; I forgot I had this on.”

        Cathy felt her heart skip a beat when the tall blonde goddess slowly lifted the long garment off over her head, leaving a perfectly shaped tan nude butt right in front of her. Kaylin carefully turned a complete three-sixty causing Cathy to do a double take to verify it was black cloth she’d espied, and not pubic hair. When Kaylin gave her a tempting smile and an erotic wink, Cathy quickly took her turn with a declaration.

“Two can play at that game.”

        She slowly removed her shirt, leaving her slightly more than a handful breast in clear view, along with a skimpy red G-string bottom that practically covered nothing;  then did a complete circle, returning her surprised bestie’s wink and smile as she joyfully finished her statement with a giggle.

“I couldn’t find the top, so live with it.”

        Kaylin gazed straight into her cat-green eyes with a wicked grin and slightly adjusted a familiar phrase.

“This is going to be the best damn sailing day I’ve ever had.”

        Instantly, Tat and Rebeca stripped off their bathing suits and stood totally nude, then Tat shouted out.

“Orgy on the high seas, Captain!”

        Cathy quickly glared her way and rejected the accusation.

“Hell no; there will be no Orgies.”

Tat placed her arm around Rebeca as she chuckled her response.

“Can’t blame a woman for trying.”

Cathy solidified her rebut with a smile.

“Nice try; but it’s not happening.”

        Kaylin brought the team back to the reason for being out there.

“Okay, settle down; let’s do some practicing on dropping the sails, then raising them as quickly as possible.”

        The rest of the day was spent with a nude crew, except for Kaylin and Cathy’s G-string bottoms; even Kaylin eventually removed her top, which were only hiding her well rounded nipples anyway.

        Working like a swish watch, the new team flawlessly performed various diverse maneuvers; up wind, downwind, sideways winds, and quick slowdowns; everything and everyone seemed to just click.

        Around one in the afternoon, Kaylin ordered heave-two, bringing the boat to a standstill. She and Cathy went down in the galley to prepare the food while Tat, Rebeca, and Sally took a dip in the blue water. Cathy quickly slipped back into her long tee-shirt; for the simple fact the white parts of her skin that had never seen the sun were now pink-red. As Cathy straightened the shirt, Kaylin teased her about her now pink-red butt.

“What’s wrong, Girlfriend?”

Cathy criticized her sarcasm while staring at Kaylin’s dark-tan perfectly sculptured ass-cheeks.

“Yeah, yours is tanned; I bet you have a swimming pool at your house.”

Kaylin alluded that she was correct with an invite.

“You are welcome to come over any time.”

        The tone Cathy’s voice carried when she made an annotation, caused Kaylin to pause for a minute.

“I didn’t realize our third date was going to be a double date.”

        Suddenly, Kaylin recalled Cathy was going to get to see her naked butt on their third date and quickly apologized.

“Oh my gosh, Sweetheart; I am so sorry; I should have thought and been more considerate.”

        Cathy shrugged as she pretended it wasn’t a big deal.

“No-no, don’t be silly; it’s fine; I mean; I like Tat and Rebeca; I think they are cool; anyway, it’s not like you were going to let me kiss it or anything.”

        Kaylin encouraged the last part of Cathy’s statement without looking up from her chore.

“You never know.”

        But when Cathy instantly repeated her words much slower, softer, and with more sex-appeal, it sent a shockwave through Kaylin.

“You… Never… Know.”

        Kaylin quickly regained her senses and offered up a solution.

“I tell you what, Love; I will make it up to you on our fourth date.”

        The food was practically ready when Cathy stepped over and pulled Kaylin into a small kiss on the lips that lasted a bit longer than the previous one, then turned and headed toward the steps to let the others know lunch was served as she loudly stipulated one of the rules encompassed within a fourth date.

“Well, you always get a kiss on the third date; and I’m not too sure about a fourth date; I mean….. you are expected to…like… have sex on the fourth date.”

        Kaylin instantly turned all big eyed while watching her redheaded dream girl climb the steps and out onto the deck, then quietly whispered to herself.

“I am definitely looking forward to our fourth date.”

        They all slipped back into their skimpy attires before sitting down in the galley to break bread together. There was ample laughter, jokes, and plenty of innuendos that were a little awkward to all, except Tat; it just seemed she was audacious. Everyone made sure to get their fill; after all, it was a long time until the bar would close; then they headed the Schooner in the direction of the harbor.







        As the sun disappeared below the horizon, Cathy scanned the parking lot examining each vehicle, but Willy’s van was nowhere to be seen as Kaylin gave a few words of assurance.

“Come on girl, you got this; you can sing and play like an angel.”

Cathy turned and gawked at the most beautiful blue evening gown she had ever seen on a woman, which caused an unfamiliar feeling as she responded.

“That’s not the problem, Girlfriend; I have never fired a member of my band before; what the hell am I saying? I have never had a band before.”

Kaylin gave a reminder along with encouragement.

“Look; Captain Crawdad hired you; the others were just extra’s; you got this.”

Cathy quietly reply.

“Yeah, I know; but still.”

Once again, Kaylin offered her protection.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take care of the little weasel?”

        Cathy pulled the handle to open her door as she responded.

“No! I told you, I’m not a child; I will handle it.”

        When they walked to the back of the Bronco to retrieved Cathy’s custom made electric acoustic guitar, speaker amps, and microphone, Kaylin was having trouble peeling her eyes away from the back pockets of the tight-fitting jeans that flawlessly tailored around the redheaded goddess, and with the legs tucked inside a pair of leather western style boots, she considered Cathy looked good enough to eat; then they headed inside.

        Tat greeted them at the door in her customary work getup, an extra-large green tee-shirt with bright yellow lettering. She led the two beauties to a  large table tucked away between the end of the bar and the stage. There were two steps leading up to this particular table which sat atop of a platform encircled by a low banister and a round table with six comfortable chairs. She waited for the girls to get seated, then informed them of the special event happening tonight.

“This is the third Friday of the month; so, tonight there is free deep-fried crawdad-tails for all; I will bring the two of you a large basket.”

        Kaylin raised her hand up to bring Tat to a stop.

“Wait; number one; where did this section come from? And two; people actually eat crawdad tails?”

        Tat laughed within her tallies.

“Number one; we keep this section closed off with the sliding wall; it’s just for V I P’s; Captain Crawdad thought it was appropriate for tonight; now, for number two; hell girlfriend, you are in for a real treat; also, we have canned iced tea special ordered just for you two.”

        When she headed back to the bar, Cathy and Kaylin headed for the stage to get the equipment set up, and while plugging the speakers in place Willy walked in with Susana tagging close behind. Cathy glanced over at Kaylin and whispered.

“Shit; here we go.”

        She and Kaylin were a bit shocked when he paid them no attention and made a beeline straight for Captain Crawdad. Cathy got really agitated when the jukebox came to life at the exact moment Willy started speaking but continued setting the stage with an occasional glance their way. Willie’s lips looked to be doing ninety to nothing as he stared up at the giant-of-a-man sitting on his favorite stool, and a couple times pointed back at the stage without looking. This continued for a few minutes with an inexplicable look on the Captain’s face as he stared down at the little long-haired dweeb; then this giant man glanced over at Cathy while slowly raising his massive frame into a standing position. Cathy had never seen such an evil look on a man’s face before when Captain Crawdad focused back down on the boy, and without saying a word, slowly raised his buffalo-size arm and pointed toward the door. Willy stepped back as if terrified, then strutted across the room and out the door with Susana trailing behind. No sooner than the door closed behind them, the jukebox went silent, and Kaylin placed her arm around Cathy’s shoulders and softly noted into her ear how she felt about the situation.

“See, Sweetheart; sometimes the magic of the universe will take care of your problems for you.”

        Cathy quickly turned to her with a serious look.

“Wait; you believe in the energy of the universe?”

Kaylin instantly confirmed with a smile.

“Definitely, Sweetie; I live by it.”

Cathy quietly coalesced.

“Wow, me too.”

        Kaylin turned and gently took Cathy’s face between her hands to look deep into her cat-green eyes.

“And you know what; all the stars are perfectly aligned tonight just for you.”

Cathy gazed into her eyes as she asserted back.

“And you know what; I believe you and I were meant to be.”

        Knowing she had stated on more than one occasion she wasn’t gay, Kaylin was stumped by her words as they lost their place in time for a moment and just stood mesmerized within each other’s eyes. Suddenly, a strident mouth in the audience brought them back into this sphere of existence with a loud spoiling shout.

“Come on, kiss her already.”

        Cathy stepped back as her face turned almost as red as her hair, then looked away while slightly clearing her throat, then quickly diverted.

“Let’s go check out the crawdad tails.”

        She was perplexed, to say the least, as she followed the tall blonde goddess back to their V I P table. Cathy searched her psyche for what kind of spellbinding allure the universe had just encapsulated her in for that transitory moment.

        Their timing could not have been better, no sooner than Cathy took the seat closest to Kaylin, Tat walked up with a basket overflowing with deep-fried Crawdad tails and two tall glasses of iced tea.

“Don’t worry, Captain, it’s just regular tea; I wasn’t sure which dip you would prefer; so, I brought you a small bowl of all three.”

        When she had placed the tasty food down on the table, she quickly turned to see a group of eight coming through the door, then quickly stipulated before heading in their direction.

“This is definitely the busiest night of the month.”

        They sat studying the eccentric cuisine as if waiting to see which one would be the Guinea pig when suddenly their attention was diverted by a tall slender man coming up the steps with a smile. He was an average looking man appearing to be in his early sixties, but in great shape and very well maintained, short hair and clean shaven.

“Good evening Miss McDowell; I hear tale that you plan to enter the race this year.”

        Kaylin stared up at the stranger for a moment before responding.

“I do believe you have me at a disadvantage.”

        As the man conversed, it was obvious he was full of arrogance.

“Yes; allow me to introduce myself; you can call me Captain Cleitermon.”

Kaylin just stared up at the man for a moment before responding.

“Yes, Captain Cleitermon; I have heard of you.”

She considered he hit the nail on the head with his remark as he jokingly replied.

“Nothing good I’m sure.”

        Kaylin just gave a slight smile of agreement as she continued staring up at the pompous. He paused for a moment, then continued.

“Well, Missy; if you can manage to keep up and pay attention, you just may learn a trick or two.”

        Kaylin’s next words wiped the grin right off his face.

“Yes; I have heard about some of your trickery; and that would be, Captain Kaylin to you, Sir.”

He responded with a criticizing attitude that roused a fury within Kaylin that she had never known.

“Well, Sweetheart; in my opinion no one should be addressed with that title unless they have sailed across the equator at least once.”

        Again, Kaylin’s scrupulous grin seemed to irritate him even more when she neutralized his assertion, starting with a comment no one dared make to his face.

“Well, Mr. Cheat-or-man; sticking with your hypophysis; I must insist you address me as Captain Kaylin.”

        He gave a boastful, “Huh”; then turned and strutted back out into the crowd. Cathy watched the entire episode wide-eyed and quietly, but as he walked away Kaylin’s last words brought out a rambunctious giggle.

“And a good day to you, Sir.”

        As he walked away they saw Captain Crawdad pass by him with a sideways glance as he made his way toward their table, then spoke as if apologizing.

“I hope none of my antagonizing patrons have been pestering my entertainers.”

Kaylin assured him she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.

“Nothing we can’t handle, Captain Crawdad.”

He seemed to agree, then made a special request.

“Good, good; Captain Kaylin, I have a couple of important guests that came all the way down from Nashville; I was wondering if you would be so kind as to let them join you here at your table.”

Kaylin suspected he had ulterior motives but just smiled as she confirmed his appeal.

“I would be honored; any friend of yours is a friend of mine.

        Cathy quickly apologized for what took place earlier concerning the band.

“I am so sorry if Willy caused you any aggravation.”

He gave a slight chuckle before responding.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head young lady; he just turned twenty-one a few months ago and has been a tear in my sail ever since.” [Then came the pressure.] “Tonight we will have them lined out the door and gathering in the parking lot, I hope you brought your A-game.”

        With a confident smile, she assured him there was nothing to be concerned about.

“One-hundred-ten-percent, satisfaction guaranteed.”

        Captain Crawdad overflowed with a buoyant attitude as he made one last remark before heading back to his favorite barstool.

“You lovely ladies make sure to clean your plate; there are people starving over in China.”

        They turned their attention back down on the basket, then Kaylin took the plunge as she reached for a Crawdad tail.

“Here goes nothing.”

        Cathy kept her eyes fastened onto her semblance, anticipating the ultimate expression she knew was coming. Kaylin turned and stared into her cat-green eyes as she carefully and erotically slipped the small breaded, deep-fried delicacy in between her lips, then began to chew on the crunchy critter while lifting her eyebrows and giving a slight nod of approval, along with the pleasing, “Mmmm”.

“Not bad; not bad at all.” She verified.

        Once half of the basket was eaten, Cathy wiped her hands and face the best she could with the paper towels that were supplied, then explained to her bestie the need for a more thorough cleaning before getting on stage.

“I’ve got to go get this grease off my hands before I pick up my guitar.”

        As she was speaking, Captain Crawdad returned with two fine-looking gentlemen in tow, one looking to be around forty, and the other in his late twenties. He introduced the men then turned and walked away as they took seats on the opposite side of the table. When Kaylin glanced over at Cathy she saw a girl that was a shade whiter than before and as if in a daze, staring straight at the younger man.

“Are you okay, Sweetie?”

        All Cathy could do was slightly shake her head from side-to-side with her eyes locked on target. Now Kaylin was becoming seriously concerned it may have been what she ate and leaned over toward her.

“Hey, Babe; what’s wrong?”

        Cathy slowly leaned her head over against Kaylin’s without losing her target and spoke quietly as she could, thinking no one else could hear.

“That’s Jimmy Peru.”

Kaylin softly whispered back.

“Yeah; and?”

Cathy whispered the name of a popular country song.

“Loving in the rain.”

Kaylin suddenly recognized the young man and whispered back.

“Oh, okay; I see.”

        Both men were entertained with the two as they rose back up into an upright position. Cathy thought her heart was going to explode right out of her chest when Jimmy smiled at her and began to speak.

“I tell you what Miss Tibble; if you keep it a secret, on your second set, I will sing a couple songs with you.”

        Cathy had to strain just to get the murmur to come forward.


He gave a chuckle with his reply.


        When he glanced down at his watch, Cathy quickly jumped to her feet and headed for the bathroom with a loud note of the time.

“Shit, I’m late.”

        As she scuttled off to wash up and get on stage, Kaylin turned her attention to the country star.

“Tell me, Jimmy Peru; what brings you all the way down here from the glamour of Nashville to a hole in the wall in the deep south?”

She listened carefully, and tried reading between the lines as he explained his presents at the Dirty Crawdad.

“Well, Miss Kaylin; a very dear friend of mine called a couple days ago and insisted I come down to hear a pretty little redhead sing, and he refused to take no for an answer.”

Worried about her redheaded goddess, Kaylin chided his unannounced arrival.

“I see; well, that pretty little redhead is now star struck; I’m hoping the universe can keep her on track tonight.”

Jimmy smiled as he rebuffed her concerns.

“Miss Kaylin; from what I’ve heard, and what I’ve seen tonight, I believe your lovely lady is going to do just fine.”

        Five minutes later, Cathy walked out on stage and began strapping on her guitar, and their two gentlemen guests were flabbergasted at the reaction from the crowd. Rambunctious cheers accompanied with loud applause filled the place, along with one loud voice in the back shouting out; “There’s our pretty virgin.” causing the two men to instantly turn and stare at Kaylin. She quietly clarified with a smile.

“You would have had to been here last weekend to get that one.”

        Kaylin sat up proud when Cathy stepped up to the microphone and began plucking the strings and turning the keys the exact same way she did last time, speaking as if talking a song dedicated specifically to the audience.

“For those that weren’t here last weekend, I am Cathy Tibble; and for those who were, I’m no longer a virgin.”

The crowd went wild. She paused her plucking long enough to hold up her hand and settle the whooping and hollering, then continued.

“I am extremely nervous tonight; so, I may make a few screw-ups; I can’t tell you why I’m nervous right now because it’s a secret; but, if you stick around until my next set, I promise it will become apparently clear.”

She stopped picking the strings and looked out across the bar that was completely quiet, then spoke directly into the mic.

“And for the gentleman that shouted out earlier to me and my friend while we were setting up; we are not gay.”

        Jimmy turned to his older friend with a declaration.

“Damn, this girl is really good at working her audience.”

        Then the place convulsed when she opened with Janis Joplin’s Bobby McGee, sounding exactly like the artist herself.

        Cathy’s first set went flawlessly, never missing a beat with a voice that could impersonate every famous singer she covered. She stood silent for a long moment and let the audience quiet down, then spoke nervously as she plucked at the strings and twisted the keys. The three sitting at the V I P  table were impressed with the way she closed out her first set, especially Kaylin; by the time she finished and walked off stage the blonde goddess had tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Well, it’s break time; but here’s one of my originals; in fact, I just wrote this song a few days ago and haven’t named it yet; I was thinking maybe, I will cherish you forever;”

Still picking on the strings, she took a deep breath and paused.

“Yeah, that’s a bit long;”

        You could have heard a pin drop when she finished her little intro, and her bestie felt a lump come in her throat when the petite redhead glanced her way before starting the love ballot.

“I think I will call it…… Kaylin.”

        Kaylin was up and out of her seat when Cathy stepped up onto the V I P platform, and quickly pulled her into a loving embrace.

“That was so beautiful; did you write that for me.”

        Without hesitation, Cathy fell into her warm cuddle.

“Yeah; I mean; I have never had a best friend before.”

        Kaylin squeezed her a bit tighter as she conveyed her analyses.

“I have never had a best friend either, and I do love you.”

        Cathy pulled back and looked up into her hypnotizing sky-blue eyes; then what she said next sent a wave surging through Kaylin.

“Yeah; it’s a damn shame we are not lesbians, because I love you also.”

        When the older man loudly cleared his throat, hand-and-hand the girls elegantly took their seats.

“I’m just the invisible man in the shadows that no one remembers; in case you have forgotten, I’m Peter, Jimmy’s manager; now, young lady you are the best I’ve seen in a long time, and I would like to sign a contract with you as soon as possible.”

        Cathy’s blunt reply shocked them all.

“Thanks, but I’m really not interested.”

        Kaylin turned to her and gave a confused look.

“What the hell Cathy? Opportunities like this only come along once in a lifetime.”

        Cathy’s apathetic attitude was uncanny as she stared across the table and spoke to Peter.

“I read all the magazines; nope, that’s just not my bowl of energy; but thanks for the offer.”

        Peter let out a hefty chuckle as he placed his business card on the table.

“You can’t believe everything you read, Dear; but here’s my card if you change your mind.” Then he turned to Jimmy. “I’m going to go talk to Captain Crawdad, let me know when you are ready to go.”

        After Peter headed out into the crowd, Jimmy leaned over closer to the two girls and concurred with Cathy.

“What you read in the tabloids just scratches the surface; you are a smart young lady; if you’re not willing to get your hands bloody, stay out of the business.”

        The rest of the night went off without a hitch and Cathy was amazed that not only did the fans want Jimmy’s autograft, but insisted on getting hers as well. When the spectacular event came to a close and the staff was cleaning up, Kaylin decided with all the excitement that had filled their evening, and the replay expected out of Cathy tomorrow night, there would be no practice for the team on Saturday.

        As Kaylin drove her bestie home, Cathy began thinking out loud about how she would fill her day tomorrow.

“I’m almost finished with the book cover; I mean; there are a couple places that need a little detailing to bring them out more; so, I guess I can kick back and do some reading.”

        Kaylin was figuring a day away from her redheaded goddess just might settle her quivers down a bit; but her universal spirit seemed to disagree as the words just came spilling out of her mouth.

“Hey, Girlfriend; I have an idea; I will pick you up around eightish, and we will do breakfast; then we can go to my place and kick back out by the pool and do some nude sunbathing while we read.”

        Cathy loved the invitation but made one thing perfectly clear.

“Sounds like a plan; but it’s not a date; I mean; you’re supposed to have sex on the fourth date; so, it’s not a date.”

Kaylin let out a loud laugh, then agreed.

“Nope, not a date; just two besties kicking back by the pool.”

        At 2:45 am, a loud banging brought Sally out of a sound sleep. She quickly slipped on her nightrobe and headed for the front door. She and Kaylin stood staring into each other’s eyes for a moment before Sally articulated her sentiment.

“This better be damned important.”

        She saw the tears well up inside Kaylin as she softly justified being there.

“She said she loves me, Mom.”

        Sally took her into a motherly embrace, then pulled her through the door.

“Take your seat and I will put on a pot of tea.”

        For the next twenty minutes they sipped their tea as Sally listened to Kaylin detail all the highlights of the evening, with an immense astonishment concerning the song Cathy had written specifically for her. Sally sat her cup down and gently took her baby girl by the hand.

“I must say, it sounds like your redheaded goddess has fallen in love with you.”

        Kaylin stared up at her favorite spot on the ceiling as she reminded her adopted mother once again.

“Mom; Cathy’s not gay.”

Sally quickly confirmed what she had said.

“I never said she was, Sweetheart; I said she’s in love with you.”

        Kaylin took a deep breath, then continued with her analyses.

“You know, Mom; sometimes she makes these little remarks or innuendos that almost sounds like she wants to be with me; then later makes it perfectly clear that she’s not lesbian; and she still doesn’t know I am.”

Sally gently placed her hand on her baby girls knee and noted.

“Well, I am willing to bet this house that she has her suspicions.”

But Kaylin just refuted it.

“No, Mom; I honestly don’t think so.”

Sally took a sip of tea, then made an inquiry.

“Well, I don’t know why you can’t just come out and tell her how you feel.”

        Keeping her head laid back on the sofa, she turned and looked toward Sally.

“I’m picking her up at eight o’clock in the morning to go to my place for a day of nude sunbathing out by the pool, and she made it perfectly clear; it’s not a date.”

        Sally quickly rose and referred to the short time between then and 8:00 am.

“Oh dear, you use the spare bedroom and go get some rest.”

Kaylin instantly refused the offer.

“No Mom, I’m going home.”

Sally wasn’t hearing it and sternly argued.

“No ma’am, I won’t hear of it; it’s an hour drive out to your place, and an hour drive back; Baby Girl, you won’t get any sleep; nope, you will stay in the spare room.”

Kaylin thought for a moment, then gave in.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right; thanks Mom, you are the best.”

        The excitement of her first real gig, and the fact a genuine country star stood on stage singing with her had Cathy more exhausted than she realized. Once the front door was locked, she quickly shed her clothes as she made her way across the one room apartment to the bed in the corner.






        At twilight, with Cathy in her apartment and Kaylin waking up at her mother’s, while showering they took the time to carefully shave every stubble from places where neither liked hair to grow as they contemplated on their upcoming pool party.

        Kaylin was glad she stayed at Sally’s, making this morning’s commute a short one. She smiled while watching the bubbly petite redhead wearing her earphones and doing a flirtatious dance all the way to the Bronco while carrying a tote bag. When Cathy settled into her seat, she removed the music makers and gave a happy greeting.

“Good morning my bestie; you do know you are gorgeous, right?”

        Kaylin looked past her teasing innuendo, and concluded it was just Cathy being Cathy.

“And a happy morning to you, my beautiful redheaded goddess.”

        The words Cathy giggled out next made Kaylin wish she had chosen a different metaphor.

 “Wow, that’s what Samantha calls Priscilla in chapter five.”

        As she pulled out of the parking lot, Kaylin hastily changed the subject.

“So, where are we going for breakfast?”

Cathy thought for a moment before making a suggestion.

“Your place; I mean; you do have food at your house, and I know you can cook.”

Kaylin gave a slight giggle as she agreed.

“Yes, Sweetie; I have food at my place.”

        As they headed out of town on a country highway, Cathy turned the radio on and began to sing along. After two songs, Kaylin reached and turned down the radio a tad, causing Cathy to question why.

“Hey; what’s up with that?”

Kaylin kept her focus out the windshield as she allocated her reason.

“I would like to hear your sweet voice, not the radio.”

        After a few more songs and a left turn onto another smaller highway, Cathy turned the music off.

“Damn, Girlfriend; where do you live?”

        Cathy heightened her eyebrows in disbelief at Kaylin’s answer.

“It’s about another thirty minutes; I’m well secluded.”

Cathy never envisioned her bestie as a country girl and was intrigued.

“Wow, how big is your place?”

Kaylin shrugged her shoulders with a simple reply.

“Three bedroom; two bath.”

Cathy instantly clarified her inquiry.

“No-no-no; I mean; how big is your place?”

Realizing what she was asking, Kaylin glanced her way and answered with a smile.

“Oh, I see; I have one-hundred-fifty acres.”

        Cathy stared out the windshield and quietly made a determination.

“Wow, I should have brought my mud-buggy.”

Kaylin thought for a long moment before revealing the statis of a parcel of her property, along with a stipulation.

“Well, I do have about twenty-five acres way in the back that is marshland; but today, is for sunbathing and reading.”

        The way she agreed brought laughter from the beautiful blonde as Cathy turned the music back on.

“Yap; nude sunbathing!”

        Cathy was in awe as she promptly turned off the radio when Kaylin slowed, then carefully pulled into a drive between two gigantic gargoyle statues that held two huge electric operated rod-iron gates. She stared out the windshield in astonishment as they steadily made their way between tall slash pines that aligned both sides of the long wide driveway completely assembled out of bright yellow bricks. When they reached where the drive made a circle around a magnificently sculptured mermaid water fountain in front of the house, Kaylin smiled at Cathy’s quiet quotation.

“Follow the yellow brick road.”

Kaylin placed the vehicle in park, then shut off the engine as she responded to her remark.

“See there, we do think alike; that was my idea when I had it installed.”

        When they exited the Bronco and proceeded up the steps Cathy froze in place, entranced by the large oak double doors exhibiting enchantress carvings sheltering the entryway. As Kaylin invited her inside, Cathy gently ran her fingers across the mystical designs.

“Well come on, Girlfriend; I will give you the grand tour.”

        While analyzing orphic carvings, she  turned to Kaylin and whispered.

“Wow, all the zodiac signs are here; I want to take this home.”

Kaylin denied her request with a giggle.

“Well, Sweetie; I told you I live in the magic; but I think I really need to keep those.”

        Cathy was capsulated to say the least with each room having its own unique design and color, capturing a different aspect of the universal powers; but when Kaylin showed her the last room, she lost her breath. Kaylin opened the door to the master bedroom and flipped on a fancy, swirling lamp that displayed five light fixtures standing in the far corner, revealing furnishings made of the highest quality. A big queen-size bed was situated right in the center of sky-blue walls, which very much matched her eyes; but, the ceiling was pitch black, and Cathy stared up for a moment, then commented with one word.


        She was taken aback when Kaylin replied, then put on a spectacular show.

“Yeah, watch this.”

        Cathy was speechless when she flipped another switch and out went the lights, then she slowly turned the knob next to it, bringing a thousand tiny lights sparkling across the ceiling, appearing as if one were gazing up into a clear summer night sky. Once again, Cathy could only find one word to express her thoughts.


        Then Kaylin’s next admission made Cathy quickly change the subject and turn back into the hall.

“Yeah, I’ve never had a fourth date in here.”

Cathy apprehensively commented while heading down the long hallway

“Yap; okay; I do believe it’s time to go and check out the giant pool.”

        Kaylin followed behind her with a reminder about cooking.

“Hey, we still got to do breakfast.”

        Without looking back, Cathy delayed their mealtime.

“Let’s make it brunch; I’m really not hungry right now.”

        Once again, Cathy was astounded with the largest swimming pool she had ever seen, swathed in perfectly laid patio stone with top-of-the-line pool loungers presented with thick comfy cushions.

        A spellbound Kaylin watched her redheaded goddess slowly stripped down to her birthday suit while she marveled at the majesty of the enormous screened-in enclosure. Cathy scooted her lounge chair head-to-head with Kaylin’s, leaving just a few feet between, then adjusted it down so to lay belly down before retrieving Come Sail with Me from her tote bag. Kaylin quickly stripped and joined her bestie by laying belly down with her head placed on top of her arms, causing Cathy to question.

“What, no book?”

Kaylin closed her eyes as she softly explained.

“No, Sweetie; I’m kind of in a stupor with writer’s block; so, I’m just going to lay here and let my mind drift.”

        The next hour and a half was filled with the two goddesses bathing in the sun, flipping themselves like pancakes. Cathy consumed her autographed book while the duo frequently glanced over at one another, taking in the other's beauty. Kaylin was getting a bit nervous as they laid on their bellies facing each other, noting Cathy would soon be finishing chapter thirteen; and sure enough, she was correct. She didn’t dare open her eyes or even move when she felt her inner-self jump at the sound of a slamming book.

“What the hell, Kaylin?”

        Kaylin forced herself upon to her elbows and looked at the cat-green eyes staring straight at her; but couldn’t get one syllable to come forth. Cathy began to scold as she opened the book back to page one.

“This is bull-crap: I mean; you could have told me Samantha is lesbian; now I have to start all over from page one; I mean; there has to be some innuendos I missed; Geez, Kaylin; you could have told me.”

        Kaylin watched for a long moment, thankful her redheaded goddess hadn’t jumped to her feet and demanded to be taken home this instant, then decided to divert the debate.

“So, are you getting hungry yet?”

        Cathy raised her head and glared out over the pool for a few seconds, then focused back on Kaylin.

“Yeah, I do believe so; anyway, I’m starting to feel the burn in places I never contemplated could sunburn; so, a quick cooling off in the pool, then let’s eat.”

        The two Skinny-Dipper’s held their floaters beneath their arms occasionally slipping off to submerge themselves completely. Finally, after debating with herself concerning the autograph Kaylin had written, Cathy got up the courage to solicit what was on her mind.

“So; I think I phrased the question incorrectly before; so here goes; have you ever been intimate with anyone?”     

        Kaylin quickly turned and peddled to the shallow end, then walked up the steps and out of the pool with the floaty in hand as she responded.

“Yes, I had a girlfriend once.”

        Cathy immediately trailed, and as they dried off and slipped back into their cutoff jeans, she determined that if she had to tell all, then her bestie was damn well going to tell all.

        Cathy held her tongue until Kaylin was mixing the pancake batter while she was mashing the sausage into little round patties, then she pried.

“Okay, Girlfriend; do tell.”

        Kaylin knew this was coming and stopped stirring, then focused on the glass wall that separated the kitchen from the pool.

“I met this girl back when we started college….” She was saying when Cathy interrupted with a smartass allegation, then finished with a question.

“Yap; those damned hormones will get you every time; did she have red hair?”

Kaylin gave a tilted nod with her confession.

“Well, she kept it dyed; I mean; not naturally red; but I thought I was in love.”

        There was no way Cathy was going to just let it conclude right there.

“Come on, Babe; what happened?”

        Kaylin took a deep breath, then went back to stirring as she gave up the goods.

“I caught her with the quarterback of the football team.”

Cathy’s eyes widened as she quietly surmised.

“Ouch, that hurt!”

Kaylin kept her focus on her chore as she softly agreed.

“Yes; she shattered my heart into a million pieces.”

        Cathy discontinued pressing the sausage and let her wandering thoughts turn to speech.

“Wait; she would go lay with a hairy, sweaty, grunting guy, then come to your place and make out with you; now that’s just completely nasty.”

        Kaylin let out a little giggle as she responded.

“I try not to consider that probability.”

        Cathy returned to her job at hand as her next remark left Kaylin baffled; but she decided to just let it lay right there.

“Yap; I mean; you have me now, and I don’t use hair dye.”

        For the rest of the way through preparing and cooking brunch, eating, then washing and putting away the dishes, the two besties chatted about sailing techniques, along with their likes and dislikes concerning society, and the progress Cathy had made on the pending book cover. They were sitting at the table talking over a cup of hot tea when Cathy noted the time.

“Geez, it’s almost three; I need to get home if I’m going to get the book cover finished tonight.”

        Kaylin agreed, and the two started the long one-hour journey back toward town. Cathy sang along with the tunes on the radio, and there were a few familiar love ballots she lured her bestie into singing along with as they made the lengthy trip

        When Kaylin pulled to a stop in front of the apartment, Cathy’s heart dropped; she could just make out the pink piece of paper attached to her front door. She took a deep breath, then turned her attention to Kaylin.

“So, you will pick me up later.”

Cathy did a great job at covering her despair concerning the paper as Kaylin confirmed.

“Yap; around seven.”

        Cathy gradually slid from the Bronco, then turned with a sincere look and stared into Kaylin’s hypnotizing sky-blue eyes; the declaration she unconditionally pledged before closing the door and heading in the direction of her bungalow intensified the perplexity Kaylin already developed regarding the redheaded goddess.

 “I promise; I will never break your heart.”

        Kaylin sat dumbfounded, viewing this petite exquisite woman until she vanished into her apartment.






        Sally answered the door with a smile and embraced her baby girl, then turned and started toward the kitchen while commenting on the visit.

“Take your seat, and I will put on some tea; you know, I’m really starting to like this Cathy girl.”

        Kaylin took her customary place on the sofa, then laid her head back and stared up at her favorite spot on the ceiling.

“Very funny, Mom; she has me flailing in the wind; I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.”

        After Sally situated their cups on the coffee table, she gently patted her baby girl on the leg.

“You're just frustrated, that’s all; she will come around; have you told her how you feel about her?”

        Kaylin took a deep calming breath, then turned to her with a serious look.

“Not yet, Mom; but she now knows I am lesbian; sometimes, she will make these little suggestive remarks, then acts as if she’s just straight-laced Cathy; she has me so confused.”

        They sat silent for a few sips of tea before Sally modified her baby girl’s viewpoint.

“No, Sweetie; you are just aggravated that the relationship between you two isn’t progressing as quickly as you would like, but you are not confused; now, that pretty little redhead, she’s the one confused; she is a straight girl who has fallen in love with a beautiful blonde lesbian: she is definitely the one feeling bewildered.”

        Kaylin turned back and focused on the little imperfection on the ceiling, taking a minute to contemplate Sally’s observations.

“Wow; thanks, Mom; I have been so wrapped up in what I’m feeling, I never stopped to consider what she must be thinking.”

        Sally carefully picked up her cup while giving a bit of advice.

“Well, you just be patient with Cathy; we both know she thinks the world of you.”

        Kaylin thought about the lengthy chauffeur to and from her place, and queried Sally if she would be permitted to get ready there.

“I will, Mom; I have to pick her up at seven for the gig at Captain Crawdad’s; do you have a dress I can borrow so I can get ready here?”

        Sally took her by the hand to help her up off the sofa, then led her toward the bedroom.

“I have more dinner dresses than you can count.”

        While sieving amid the entourage of clothing her walk-in closet displayed, Kaylin spied something black at the back of the rack wrapped in a clear plastic holder. She carefully pulled it out and held it up.

“What about this one?”

        Sally gently took it and slowly removed the see through shielding, then held up the black, short, western-style dress between them and whispered.

“This one was your father’s favorite.”

        Thinking that she may have just stepped over the line, Kaylin quickly apologized.

“Oh geez; I am so sorry; here, let’s put it back.”

        Sally smiled as she brushed a tear away, then handed the alluring black western-style dress over to her baby girl. It was clear this dress was a special order by its highlighted thin silver belt, along with delicate thin silver lace encircling the sleeves and wrapping around the bottom.

“My gift to you; Cathy’s going to love it.”

Kaylin could sense the sentimental value of the exquisite garment as she argued.

“No, Mom; I couldn’t.”

Sally gently gave her a kiss on the cheek while giving instructions.

“I insist; now go take a shower and try it on while I find the matching leather zip-up boots that go along with it.”

        Cathy wadded up the pink paper that was attached to the front door, then tossed it into the trash as she expressed her sentiment toward the manager of the small complex with one word.


        Once her long soothing shower was over, she pulled out a leather outfit from the back of the closet, the one she purchased last year but was too timid to ever wear. She carefully slipped the skimpy black-leather blouse from the hanger, which would barely conceal her small breast with a zipper that only came one-third the way up, leaving the center of her upper torso in clear view. She placed it onto the bed as a witchy smile crossed her face while carefully removing the tight-fitting black-leather skirt that was short enough to where if she were to bend over it would leave the lower part of her tiny firm butt cheeks to where they could be observed. She laid it beside the blouse and stared at them for a moment, then quickly decided her black spider-web stockings would be needed.

        At seven O’clock, Cathy stood in awe for a moment when she opened the passenger door of the Bronco, then alluded to Kaylin’s attire.

“You look astounding.”

Already deeply in love with the petite redhead, the attire she sported caused a carnal desire to explode within Kaylin as she responded.

“Oh please; look at you, all dolled up in your black leather and witchy stockings; I mean; Girlfriend, you look good enough to eat.”

        Cathy slightly tilted her head to one side and gave an enticing leer as if to suggest she caught the innuendo of the last part of her proclamation, then she headed toward the back to load the equipment. Kaylin quickly moved behind the Bronco to help, then Cathy’s nurturing really brought her to believe she was essentially cultivating the idea of an intimate relationship.

“I’m not too sure about the eating thing; I haven’t made up my mind about the whole fourth date thingy yet.”

        Once everything was loaded in the back, they were on their way. Kaylin determined it would be best to leave Cathy’s beguiling comment alone; after all, Sally did advocate she be benevolent.

        The night started out with an excited crowd, most returning from the night before anticipating seeing the redheaded goddess up on stage once again. Captain Crawdad even joined his entertainers at the VIP table, along with his wife Beth. After a few songs into the first set an average looking young brown-haired woman in her mid-twenties stepped up onto the dance floor and snapped a few quick photos of the singing star with what appeared to be a professional camera. Kaylin kept an eye on the stranger and watched the woman make her way to a small table in the back and sit alone while examining the photos. When Cathy took her first break and was sitting with the group at the table, the brown-haired woman stepped up onto their platform. Captain Crawdad and his wife stood and introduced her before heading off toward the bar.

“Miss Tibble; this is Jennet Walker, a dear friend of mine; I know you turned down the offer from Nashville, but I hope you will give Jennet a moment of your time.”

        Cathy and Kaylin stood for the formal handshake as Cathy presented Kaylin as her girlfriend, then they took their seats as Jennet began her pitch.

“I’m not a recording producer or anything of the sort; what I do is personal management of social media; let me elaborate, I can manage your videos on over three-hundred web-sites such as iTunes, YouTube, and many other paying platforms; you just record songs you wrote, we will make a great music video, then I will take care of everything else.”

        Cathy had never investigated such an endeavor and was intrigued.

“Wait; are you saying I can just put myself singing on social media and make money?”

Jennet confirmed as she continued.

“Yes, Dear; and with your talent, a hell-of-a-lot of money; we just need to find someone to master in drums, bass, and a little lead.”

Cathy quickly informed her of just how talented she was.

“I can do that; I mean; I have all the instruments and equipment to take care of that.”

Jannet’s eyes widened as she bolstered her opinion.

“Girl, we are going to make a boatload of money.”

Cathy let the young woman know she would consider the offer, but it must be at a later date.

“Wow, that sounds interesting; but right now I’m kind of busy with the boat race coming up next weekend; maybe we can get together afterwards.”

Jannet was excited to have such a talented client and quickly retrieved her phone.

“That would be fantastic; can I friend you on Facebook?”

        When Cathy gave her page name, Kaylin exploded into amused laughter, bringing out a loud giggle from Cathy herself.

“Yes; I am the only, Cathy Mudbuggy.”

        The personal manager was a bit confused at the outburst from the two until she brought up Cathy’s page, then she gave the familiar “ah…ha” when an image of the crazy looking, beefed-up, yellow Gremlin plowing through a huge mud-scape filled the screen, then Cathy made a declaration.

“Yap; muddin is better than sex.”

Jannet’s counter was the second time she had heard this same argument.

“Well, maybe you just haven’t slept with the right person yet.”

        Cathy glanced over at Kaylin for a second, then returned her focus back to the brown-haired woman, and gave an innuendo that shocked her bestie.

“Yeah, lately I have been contemplating that.”

        The rest of the night was filled with song, dance, and laughter from Cathy’s little mottoes she’d make while on stage. When she ended the event with her original, ‘Kaylin’, the crowd went wild; and when Jennet saw the tears flowing from the blonde’s sky-blue eyes, she knew she had unearthed herself a social media star in the making.

        When Kaylin pulled to a stop in front of Cathy’s apartment, she shut off the engine and focused her eyes down toward her lap and fidgeted with her fingers, then apprehensively made a confession.

“Cathy, I really need to get this out; I am deeply in love with you.” 

        Cathy stared out the windshield as she gave her response.

“Yeah, I know; I can read between the lines; but I’m not gay.”

Kaylin took a deep breath to calm her quivering voice.

“Yes, I understand; I just needed to get it off my chest.”

        Cathy turned with a loving smile and concluded the conversation with an invite.

“Don’t get me wrong; you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I do love you; maybe in love with you, I’m just a bit confused; but I hope we are besties forever;  now, I finished with the book cover, so help me carry my things inside and I will let you see it.”

        After she had put everything back in their places inside the tiny one-room apartment, Cathy picked up a paper from the dresser.

“I printed it out so you could see what it will really look like.”

        Kaylin was doing her best not to be distracted by the fact she and the woman she just declared her love to were braced together examining the image.

“Oh wow; there’s the black alley cat.”

Cathy giggled her reply.

“Yeah, he was an important part of chapter three.”

Then Kaylin astonishedly pointed out another unexpected thing.

“OMG; there’s the street sign; wow, you can even read it.”

Once again, Cathy described her reasoning.

“Well yeah; that sign is what makes chapter eight work.”

        Kaylin took a couple of minutes to scrutinize the paper, not just to take in the professionalism of the image; but also to linger in their closeness before expressing her satisfaction.

“This is going to be the best cover of any book I’ve ever published; you definitely have the talent.”

Cathy stepped away as she returned to her bubbly self.

“Great; I’m glad you approve, I really need the money; now, I will walk you out, because I genuinely need some sleep.”

        They both nervously ambled all the way out to the Bronco, then once again Cathy dazzled her girlfriend when she stepped in front of her and raised up on her tiptoes and gave her a firm kiss on the lips before quickly heading back toward her apartment while shouting out an explanation.

“Just in case.”

        At 3am Sally stood in the doorway with a smile, watching her baby girl slowly climb the steps. When Kaylin reached the top, Sally gently took her hand and led her to her favorite sitting spot.

“I’ve been expecting you; I will put on some tea.”

        Kaylin leaned her head back on the sofa and stared up at the spot on the ceiling as she declined.

“No Mom; I’m going to just get some rest in the extra room if it’s okay.”

Sally took a seat beside her and gently patted her leg and asked.

“So, your pretty redheaded goddess didn’t mystify you tonight?”

Without moving her gaze, Kaylin responded.

“Yes Mom, she did; that girl keeps bouncing back and forth so fast I can’t keep up.”

Sally softly replied with a suggestion.

“Well, you just be patient.”

        Kaylin seemed to ignore her last words as she lifted her arm and pointed at the ceiling.

“Mom, why don’t you fix that tiny, discolored spot?”

        Sally carefully leaned back beside her and stared up along with her.

“No, Sweetie; that’s your focal point.”

        Kaylin glanced over at her with squinted eyes.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

        With her eyes still locked on the spot, Sally explained while gently taking her by the hand.

“Your father put that there just for you; you have been using it ever since you were a teenager.”

Kaylin retaliated with an agitated tone.

“Wait; you are telling me dad put that there on purpose?”

        Sally rose from the sofa, then answered before turning and heading for her bedroom.

“Yes, Baby Girl; your father was an intelligent man; now, you go get some sleep.”

        Astounded her father would even come up with such a thing caused Kaylin to stay transfixed on the tiny spot until she faded off into dreamland.

        Cathy was restless within herself as she tossed and turned with eternally etched vibrant images of the tall blonde-haired, blue-eyed goddess laying out beside the pool sunbathing in the buff continuously frolicking in her psyche.






        Twilight was casting its glow on the curtains when Sally’s roving around in the kitchen disturbed Kaylin from her sleep. She winched out a long hard stretch, then adjusted herself into a sitting position as Sally walked in with two cups of hot tea and placed them on the coffee table while making an inquiry.

“So, how well did you sleep?”

        Kaylin took a couple sips from her cup before responding.

“Not sure, Mom; I did fall asleep while staring at the ceiling.”

Sally giggled her reply.

“Yes Baby Girl, I noticed that.”

        Kaylin took a few more sips, then stood and headed down the hall.

“I have to hurry; I’m going to be late.”

        Sally’s informative remark caused Kaylin to let out a slight chuckle.

“Don’t fret Baby Girl, they can’t start without you.”

        Cathy was bound in a tantalizing dream of being encircled by a calm ocean while lying nude on the front deck of Woman Scorned, snuggled tightly within Kaylin’s enchantment. She had never in her life felt such love and tranquility with another, and as she moved to gaze into the tall blonde’s sky-blue eyes, and steal a coveted kiss, the dream was abruptly interrupted by a loud banging on the front door. She laid still with her eyes closed for a moment and quietly complained.

“Dammit, all I needed was just five more minutes.”

        She slowly rolled out of bed and methodically ambled over and turned the lock, then leaving the door ajar she slowly started for the small counter that was considered the kitchen area. Kaylin cautiously pushed the door open and walked in, then let out a giggle as she watched the petite redhead turn on the coffee pot. Cathy started in the direction of the bathroom holding up her hand with all fingers pointing up and stated.

“Five minutes.”

Kaylin could not help but giggle out her observation as she watched Cathy’s backside.

“Girlfriend, did you know your butt is peeling?”

         Cathy sleepily responded without diverting from her urgent destination.

“Yap; sunbathing in the nude will get you every time.”

Kaylin smiled as she slyly made an offer.

“Well, you need to put some lotion on it; maybe I could help with that.”

        Cathy intentionally paused at the bathroom door, symptomatically turned, then gave an impious smile with her reply.

“I’m not a morning person, Love; but I will take a rain check.”

        The clear sunny day was excellent for sailing, a gentle three-knot wind propelling from the southeast, sprawling three-foot waves. Kaylin was lost in one of her usual daydreams as she stood on the Bow savoring the scenery when Sally sauntered up beside and inquired about her best friend’s demeanor.

“Hey, Baby Girl; what’s up with your girlfriend?”

        Kaylin glanced back at the redhead manning the helm while requesting  clarification.

“What are you talking about, Mom?”

Sally quietly elucidated what she was observing.

“It seems she is distracted; I mean; sometimes she stares off into space with a weird expression.”

        Kaylin grew concerned and slowly headed in the direction of the young woman she was just fantasizing about as she replied.

“I’m not sure, Mom; I will go talk to her.”

        Cathy gave her a cute smile when she gently placed an arm around her shoulder.

“Hey, Sweetie; what’s going on with you?”

        Her smile quickly faded, then Cathy focused back out across the blue water.

“I didn’t realize I was being that obvious.”

Kaylin gave her a slight squeeze as she clarified.

“Actually, you’re not; but Mom did notice.”

Not wanting to seem childish, Cathy lifted her head and sternly replied.

“It’s really nothing; you know, just grown-up stuff.”

        Kaylin squeezed her closer and insisted she spill the beans.

“Come on, Love; besties don’t keep secrets from each other.”

        Cathy shrugged slightly as she stated her situation.

“I’m being evicted; but I am not a child, I will deal with it.”

Thinking she was probably short on funds; Kaylin quickly offered a resolution.

“Oh Sweetheart, I haven't paid you for the book cover; I will do that as soon as we get back.”

Cathy instantly articulated the root of the situation.

“Money isn’t the problem; the manager has a niece that needs a cheap place to live, and he selected mine.”

That explanation did not sit well with Kaylin, and she expressed her discontent.

“Wait; he can’t do that; I mean; there are laws that protect renters from assholes like that.”

        Cathy quickly countered Kaylin’s assertion with enlightenments of the universal energy.

“No, Kaylin; I’m not staying where I’m not wanted; I mean, that would just totally screw up my vibes; if I need to, I have my boat to hang out on until I find another place.”

        Kaylin considered the two empty bedroom she had at her house and offered another solution.

“Well, I have plenty of room; you can come stay with me.”

        Cathy felt a bit embarrassed that the woman she desperately wanted to see her as an adult might consider her not responsible and vehemently disagreed.

“NO! geez, no; I’m down in the dumps already, the last thing I need is to feel like I’m someone’s charity case.”

Kaylin pulled her into a gentle embrace as she countered.

“I would never consider you like that.”

The feeling that encapsulated Cathy from being cuddled in Kaylin’s arms caused her heart to pound as she wrapped her arms around Kaylin’s waist and softly replied.

“Yeah, I know; thanks; but I am not a child or a charity case; I am a grown ass woman, and I can handle it.”

Kaylin herself was savoring the embrace with the girl she loved as she quietly made a pledge.

“Well, don’t get stressed; the offer will always be there.”

        Cathy sent a warm feeling through Kaylin when she squeezed closer and softly validated her affections.

“I do love you.”

        Once Woman Scorned was secured into its slot back at the harbor, Kaylin held a meeting with the crew. She advised them, she would be taking the sixty-foot Schooner to the harbor where the race was to start, giving them the option of coming along or meeting her there on Friday. Tat and Rebeca declared there was no way they could take that much time off work and agreed to join her later, with Sally also submitting to driving up Friday. Cathy agreed on going with; but stipulated a hard point.

“I would like to accompany you; but it’s not a date.”

        Kaylin gave a wink and smile as she concurred.

“No, Sweetie; it’s not a date; you will know when I ask you for our fourth date.”

        Tuesday morning was sunny, with a steady four-knot wind as Kaylin and Cathy loaded their suitcases, along with the redhead’s acoustic guitar, then headed the sixty-foot Schooner out for a leisurely sail up the coastline, keeping the beach just within their sight. They had more than ample time to reach their mark, and the two beauties promenaded around the boat entirely nude without intimidation.

        Mid-morning, Kaylin was at the helm steering a bit farther away from the mainland while Cathy laid out on the front deck reading ‘Come Sail with Me’. Cathy would pause from time-to-time for a moment to glance up at the tall blonde goddess with a weird expression, then returned to reading. Finally, when She glanced up one too many times, Kaylin sternly questioned her eccentric squints.


        Cathy giggled out her statement as she returned her focus to the book.

“You are lascivious.”

With laughter, Kaylin shouted back.

“It’s fiction.”

        Without looking up, Cathy gave a long drawn-out satirical “ah..ha; right.”

        Kaylin locked the helm in place then took a seat on one of the benches toward the stern, closed her eyes and let her psyche go in search of a new adventure she could write about as Cathy continued reading. After another twenty minutes Cathy quickly closed the book while apprehending her yearning for the loving relationship between the two fictional yet similar characters. She quietly made her way to the back of the boat and seated herself athwart from Kaylin, then silently sat marveling at the perfection the universe created. When Kaylin witched the pleasing electrical sensation of being observed flowing through her, she opened her eyes and gave a smile. She could see countless inquiries vaulting within the petite redhead’s cat-green eyes as she whispered.

“Yes, Sweetie.”

        Keeping her eyes fastened onto Kaylin’s sky-blue eyes, Cathy inhaled a long, deep, encouraging breath before carefully speaking.

“How old were you when you realized you were lesbian?”

Now there was a question she had never been asked, and she took a long moment before responding.

“I have always known; I have never been erotically allured toward men; I mean, I do find some handsome, and kind; but I have always fantasized about women.”

        Cathy’s contemplating statement brought forth a slight laughter from Kaylin.

“I have never found a man erotically alluring; so, maybe I am lesbian.”

Kaylin countered with a reminder.

“That’s not quite how it works, Sweetie; anyway, you had a boyfriend back in college.”

Cathy did not hesitate to put that past experience to bed.

“I didn’t find him attractive; I mean; I wasn’t in love with him or anything; I was just horny.”

Kaylin gave a serious look as she made her next inquiry.

“Do you find women attractive?”

Cathy considered this to be the first time she had been truthful with herself as she answered.

“Well, yeah; I mean, I have met a lot of women I considered beautiful; but, because of the way I was raised, I never thought about having sex with them.”

Kaylin gave her a smile, then closed her eyes and relaxed while giving her some advice.

“Well, Girlfriend; don’t fight against the universal energy, just be patient and things will fall into place,”

        Cathy glanced out over the stern, then made an agreeable statement.

“Yap; you can’t go against the power of the universe; but it does have me a bit confused.”

        She slowly rose and started toward the cabin, once again, leaving Kaylin conjecturing at what she was alleging as her naked, tiny, firm, peeling butt cheeks disappeared down the steps.

“I need to go put some lotion on my butt, and put my shorts back on; however, after meeting you, I will admit I have been contemplating on it.”

        Kaylin chose to adhere to her own advice and not push the matter, so throughout the rest of the day's journey they conversed as two besties would be expected to do. Cathy brought along her acoustic, and often persuaded Kaylin to join in and sing a love ballot to each other. Long after sunset and darkness had taken over, the glistening lights from their destination lit up the shoreline, then Kaylin gave her plan.

“We will drop anchor here for tonight, then find the slot I rented for the race when the sun comes up.”

Cathy question indicated that she had thought they would be anchored offshore for their stay.

“Wait; you rented a slot for like… five days?”

Kaylin gave a baffled look as she gave her answer.

“Yes, of course; I mean; we can’t just hang out here the rest of the week.”

Cathy’s joking sarcasm brought out a hearty laugh from Kaylin.

“Yap; definitely high falutin, little Miss Rich girl.”

Kaylin placed her arm around Cathy’s shoulder and slyly replied.

“I’m not rich, Sweetie; but I do have enough to take care of our needs for a long time.”

Cathy sharply responded.

“I’m not a charity case.”

        With an alluring timbre, Kaylin slipped in an innuendo.

“That’s not what I’m implying; perhaps the day will come when what’s mine is yours.”

        Once again, the way Cathy slowly and quietly repeated her words brought a smile to Kaylin’s face.

“Perhaps someday.”

        As they prepared for bed with Cathy taking the bunk nearest to the Bow, Kaylin worried about her redheaded goddess as she made the couch into her bed. From time-to-time Cathy would stare blankly out across the water, and her mind seemed to drift off into a distressed universe. Then once again, she put Kaylin into a state of confusion when she walked up, pulled their warm, nude, bodies together, then raised upon her tiptoes and gave a loving kiss that lasted longer than any of the others had, then earnestly asserted while turning and heading for her bunk.

“Goodnight, Girlfriend; I do love you.”

        Kaylin craned at her petite frame with its long fire-engine-red hair reaching down to the top of her tiny, firm butt; which was now erotically tanned; walking away. Cathy smiled to herself when she heard her tall, blonde, sky-blue eyed goddess softly respond.

“And I love you so.”





        At twilight, Cathy was awakened by the ruckus a boat makes when docking into a slot, and quickly pulled on her cutoff jeans and headed up top to help tie off. She gripped a tie-rope as she scolded her bestie.

“You could have woken me.”

With a loving smile, Kaylin softly gave a compliment with her reasoning.

“I started to, but you were so enchanting lying there asleep.”

        As Cathy jumped over onto the dock with rope in hand, she returned the sentiment.

“Well, I think you are gorgeous also; but still, you should have woken me.”

Once the sixty-foot Schooner was secured in place the two beauties headed for the motel with full accommodations, located on the property.  While slowly strolling across the parking lot, Kaylin got a rejuvenated cordial inkling deep down inside when Cathy wrapped their arms together, then intertwined their fingers as if announcing to the world they were together.

While Kaylin spoke to the pretty young black-haired woman at the front counter about the rental car she had reserved, Cathy considered this unknown person was callously emoting enticing verbiage towards her tall, blonde-haired goddess. Tightening her grip, she leaned in against her bestie with a little more carnality and gave the stranger a glaring gaze. After all the documents were signed and they were making their way to the area where the rentals were, Cathy gave her assessment concerning the black-haired woman.

“I did not like that girl.”

Kaylin gave a laugh before responding.

“O M G, Girlfriend; are you jealous?”

Cathy instantly retaliated with a stern tone.

“I have never been jealous in my life.”

Kaylin smiled as she countered.

“Until now.”

She could not stop another tiny giggle from slipping out when Cathy tightened the hold on her arm, and once again softly repeated her words.

“Until now.”

        They mutely strolled arm-and-arm through the onslaught of vehicles until Kaylin stepped over to a new black Lincoln Continental and opened the passenger door for Cathy. She gave Kaylin a witchy glance concerning her choice of automobiles.

“Really Kaylin; A Lincoln.”

        Kaylin recurred with a judicious grin, then allocated her reasoning while walking around to the driver’s side.

“Well, yeah; Dad always told me the best part of the race was it gave him a good excuse to rent a Lincoln.”

        Once they settled into the luscious black leather seats and examined the fancy features the top-of-the-line luxury car had to offer, Kaylin made a comment.

“I just might have to buy me one of these.”

        Her suggestion brought out a boastful giggle from Cathy with a reminder comment about Kaylin’s wealth.

“Definitely little Miss Rich Girl.”

        For the rest of the day they enjoyed touring the sites that Kaylin’s father had spoken about many times as the two lovelies frolicked around the town, growing amorous toward one another every passing moment. Cathy even pulled the old, ‘Smell my ice cream cone’ prank, leaving a plot of cold substance on the tip of Kaylin’s nose. The tall blonde experienced a powerful surge of valentine when the redheaded beauty pulled her close and giggled as she used her lips to elute the sticky sweetness from the center of her face. By the time night closed in and captured their universe, they were back at the restaurant within the harbor. They sat sipping on tea while waiting for their dinner to arrive when two exuberant female teens approached their table with one speaking excitedly.

“Oh my god; it’s really her, it’s Kaylin McDowell.”

  The other began scrounging within her purse while asking excitedly.

“May we please have your autograph?”

        Kaylin courteously accepted the young lady’s paper and pen as the other girl informed all concerned that she was going to go get Mr. Carson, then quickly turned, and headed across the restaurant.

        Greg Carson was a distinguished older gentleman; six-four, nicely trimmed white hair and clean shaven, bestowing governance and sporting an expensive suit-and-tie. He gently shook Kaylin’s hand and introduced himself.

“Miss McDowell; Greg Carson; it’s an honor to finally meet you, I have watched you grow up through pictures.”

Kaylin accepted his greeting as she replied.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Carson; but I’m a little confused about your statement.”

His explanation caught her completely off guard.

“I’m sorry; it’s just this is a pleasant surprise; I knew your father very well, and he was proud of his baby girl.”

She politely responded with surprise in her voice.

“I see; I didn’t realize my father had pictures of me.”

        The handsome elderly man quickly elaborated.

“Oh, my dear lady; he had his phone filled with up-to-date photos every year; I do believe you will find most captains here will recognize you; like I said, he was enthusiastic about his baby girl.”

She quickly took the conversation off herself with an inquiry.

“Wow, I did not know that; so, are you participating this year?”

        Greg answered while reaching into his suit to retrieve a small pamphlet.

“Yes, Miss McDowell; I am here every year.”

        Kaylin accepted the small, two-page brochure and carefully read the front cover. It presented a 501-C3 organization that he represented, which aided troubled teens, then handed the leaflet off to Cathy as she continued with their conversation. Cathy smiled with pride at the way her bestie introduced her.

“Please, call me Kaylin; and this is my girlfriend, Cathy Tibble: is your organization sponsored in the race?”

        Greg turned and pointed across the room at a table where three additional teenagers sat, bringing the total to five; the three boys at the table, along with the two girls that asked for her autograft.

“Yes, I have a new team every year.”

She considered the effort it takes to train an unexperienced team as she replied.

“That’s admirable Mr. Carson; but I bet it makes winning a challenge.”

        She felt the warmth fill her body from head to toe when Greg spoke words she had heard her father say many, many times.

“Please, Kaylin; call me Greg; there are things in the universe more important than a trophy.”

        Cathy interrupted the conversation with a comment concerning the pamphlet.

“The graphics on this aren't very good; may I ask who does your artwork?”

        His answer embarrassed her, topping the one she felt when she’d met Captain Crawdad the first time. Greg stepped aside and gently pulled one of the young girls that had asked for the autograph up beside him.

“This is Betty Ann, one of my best students; she is interested in art and graphic design.”

        The teen instantly corrected her mentor, requesting to be called Beth. Cathy quickly rose and moved around beside her, placing her arm around her shoulders.

“I apologize, I shouldn’t have been so rude.”

Betty shrugged her shoulders as she acknowledged the truth.

“You were not rude, just honest; do you have any graphic design experience?”

Cathy quietly but proudly answered.

“Yes, I have a college degree in art and graphic design.”

With excitement in her voice, Betty alluded to counseling.

“Oh wow; I hope I can go to college someday; maybe you could give me some pointers.”

        Cathy handed her the pamphlet as she agreed to keep in contact with the young girl.

“I would be honored; here, write your email address down on this and I will send you a message after the race.”

        Their little commune was interrupted when the waitress arrived with dinner; so Greg fostered for additional encounters before taking the teenage girls and heading back toward their table.

        Once the two beauties were back in the cabin of Woman Scorned, they quickly shed their garments. After each had their shower, they sat on the couch singing familiar tunes together while Cathy played her guitar. It was close to midnight when the redhead placed her instrument back into its case and suggested it was time for bed, Kaylin agreed as she stood and began adjusting the cushions down for her bed. She was interrupted when Cathy gently gripped her arm, pulling the blonde beauty around face-to-face. She raised herself up onto her tiptoes and firmly pressed her lips against hers for a long moment before slowly lowering herself back down onto her heels, then turning toward her bed at the front of the boat, she gave her bestie words of encouragement.

“Goodnight, Girlfriend; I do love you.”

All Kaylin could do was acknowledge her own feelings in a whisper while watching her nude, petite, erotic frame walking away.

“I do love you so.”

        Thursday was a casually dressed day spent galivanting around town to all the historical sites Kaylin’s father had mentioned throughout the years, and from time-to-time someone would greet Kaylin after recognizing the tall, blue-eyed blonde from the photos her father seemed to have shown to everyone. Mid-afternoon the two beauties took in a matinee at the local theater, then a leisurely stroll hand-and-hand through the shopping mall to finish out the evening. Once back on Woman Scorned, it was a quick shower, a few songs, then a goodnight kiss before bed; both looking forward to the big event that tomorrow was promising.





        Friday morning as the sun peeked over the horizon, Cathy was woken by a shuffling sound coming from the front of the cabin. She raised up on one elbow and looked down the short hallway to see Kaylin slipping into a knee-length sky-blue dress that perfectly matched her eyes, decorated with a slim beige belt circling the waist which enhanced her blonde hair. The ocean-blue starfish earrings dangling from a thin silver line seemed to make her face dance to life. Cathy slowly climbed from her bed and strolled up in front of her bestie with a smile, then raised herself up onto her tiptoes and gave Kaylin a first good morning kiss; lasting longer than all the others, then a complement.

“You are so beautiful.”

        Cathy stood against her in the buff as they stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Kaylin softly inquired with a sly glance.

“Shall I get undressed?”

        Cathy turned with a giggle and headed toward her bedroom where a special dress was waiting within a formal carry-case as she answered.

“No, Kaylin; this is not a date; but I did bring my new dress; let’s see if it fits.”

        Her elegant attire was fire-engine red, matching her hair and reaching down just below the knee. It had a low-cut V-neck; but unlike Kaylin’s, which covered the shoulders and held her large breast firmly up and out showing just the right amount of cleavage; her dress left the shoulders bare and fit snugly across her small breast. Once Cathy was dressed it was Kaylin’s turn to give a compliment; so, she stepped up to her green-eyed goddess and placed a finger beneath her chin, then bent down and softly pressed their lips together. Cathy felt her knees weaken when she allowed the kiss to become open-mouth and the tip of their tongues to briefly touch before breathlessly pulling away. Cathy took a few quick breaths to calm herself as Kaylin reaffirmed her affections.

“I am so much in love with you.”

        Cathy smiled up at the tall blonde, and her soft response sent an electrical universal tingle through Kaylin.

“I know, and I am also in love with you; but this isn’t a date.”

        Kaylin gave a sarcastic remark when their longing intimate moment was interrupted by the ringing of her phone.

“Saved by the bell.”

        Sally was the one calling to inform Kaylin that she, along with Tat and Rebeca were waiting in the restaurant at the harbor, and she conveyed Cathy and herself would meet them there shortly. Knowing this was the day of engagements concerning the race and comradery with other captains and team members, Cathy gently pulled her down onto the sofa and opened her cosmetic case with a request.

“Look straight at me and be still.”

Kaylin slightly moved her head back and gave a sideways glance while making a declaration.

“I really don’t do makeup.”

        Cathy insisted as she placed her bestie's face between her hands and stared deep into her sky-blue eyes.

“Wrong answer; we are doing this up right and going all out; now be still.”

        The threesome were beginning to grow impatient after waiting on the lovebirds for thirty minutes when the two goddesses walked through the door. Sally met Kaylin with her usual motherly kiss and hug, spurring Cathy to sternly impose a warning.

 “Watch the makeup!”

        Tat slowly stood and carefully took Cathy’s chin between her finger and thumb and moved her face from side to side, then stepped back and took in Kaylin’s unequivocal beauty from head to toe before jokingly commenting.

“I thought this was a boat race; not a Miss America pageant.”

        Cathy’s advising response spurred Kaylin to step over and give her a quick kiss on the lips.

“Today, my girlfriend and I will be the talk of the town.”

        Once everyone had taken their seats, Tat gave Kaylin and Cathy some stunning bad news.

“Well, here is what has happened back home in the last two days; that crazy kid Willy has been arrested for arson; he set the Dirty Crawdad on fire; no one was hurt, but it will be a month or two before it can reopen.”

        This was the last thing Cathy needed to hear, she jumped to her feet and loudly expressed confusion before running off toward the restroom.

“NO! Hell no; why is this happening?”

        When Kaylin started to stand and chase after the girl she loved, Sally gently gripped her arm and held her in place with a suggestion.

“I think I should be the one to go and find out what’s going on.”

        With a concerned look, Kaylin nodded her head in agreement.

        A whimpering sound was echoing within the restroom when Sally slowly slipped through the door. She made her way over to the sinks and leaned back against the counter in front of the stall where the crying was emanating as she began to speak.

“Hey, Sweetie; would you like to talk about it?”

        There was a long pause of heavy jagged breathing before Cathy quietly responded.

“No; not really.”

Sally took a moment before allocating her experience.

“I have many years of being a good listener; Kaylin can attest to that.”

        After a few more jerky breaths, the stall door slowly opened, and the distressed redhead walked over and leaned beside her.

“You have to promise not to tell Kaylin; the last thing I want is for her to think I’m immature.”

Sally slightly bumped shoulders with her while giving assurance.

“Promise; just between you and me.”

        Staring down at the floor with tissue in hand, Cathy conveyed her dilemma.

“When I got the gig at Dirty Crawdad, I thought the universe was turning my way; I mean; it was paying more for the weekend than I was making all week as a waitress; shit; I up and quit my job at the restaurant; yeah, I know that was childish; now, I have no job; no income; I’m being evicted, with my boat the only place to go; geez, I don’t want Kaylin to think of me as a helpless child.”

        As Cathy ended with a whimper, Sally gently placed her arm around her shoulders and gave a loving squeeze.

“Sweetie, my Baby Girl has talked to me about you ever since she was fifteen years old; I can guarantee, she will never consider you a child; now, as far as the job situation, I have a few close friends that own fancy restaurants; so, we have that problem solved.”

        Still filled with embarrassment, Cathy kept her focus on the floor as she replied.

“Really; you can get me a job?”

Sally gently lifted her face and wiped her tears away while confirming with instructions.

“Yes Sweetie; now, dry those tears; fix your makeup; put on a smile, and I will meet you back at the table.”

Cathy turned and gave her a tight embrace as she whispered.

“Thank you.”

        Before releasing Cathy, Sally’s next words gave her a feeling of destiny.

“Hey, you will soon be family; you and Kaylin are going to make the perfect couple; now, we will be waiting for you at the table”

        The redheaded goddess returned to the group feeling a bit relieved that at least she would have employment once the race was over.

        Throughout the meet-and-greet conferences, not only were the two beauties the talk of the town, but magnets of the universe. The majority of the Captain’s recognized Kaylin from the photos her father had proudly shown over the years, and many of the teammates validated they knew her biography as an author, most requesting she send them an autographed copy of; Come Sail with Me. Kaylin would take their names and addresses with assurance the publication each desired was coming soon. She never left her bestie out of the conversation, constantly introducing her to all admirer’s as, “My Girlfriend, Cathy.”

        Naturally, their magnetism pulled in one which Kaylin despised, and the well-built elderly man approached, with her just giving him a cold stare.

“Captain Kaylin, I’m glad to see you made it; if you can manage to stay close enough, you just might learn a few new tricks.”

        Her sardonic comeback instantly diminished his smirk.

“Yes Captain Cleitermon, I have heard about some of your treachery.”

His tone quickly filled with anger as he stipulated.

“For your information young lady, I win almost every year.”

        Cathy quickly realized why she had given her boat the new name when Kaylin let a smile sneak across her face as she countered.

 “Well, I guess you have never faced the wrath of a Woman Scorned.”

        He took a deep breath and let it out in a hefty huff before turning and strutting away, leaving Cathy giggling out loud.

        With all the quintessential conferences consummated and all had changed into their appropriate attire, thirty sailboats were now making their way to establish their place on the starting line. Kaylin saw an opening four boats away from Cleitermon’s boat, ‘The Winner’, and took the spot so to keep an eye on the cheater. As the rest shuffled into place, Kaylin noticed Cleitermon seemingly to be talking to himself. When she strained her focus and realized he was speaking into an earphone, she quickly informed the team they were not to listen for the sound of the cannon which started the race; but instead, watch for her signal to go. Confused with her suggested breaking of the rules, Sally stepped up beside her.

“What’s up, Baby Girl?”

        Kaylin slightly nodded her head towards ‘The Winner’ as she explained.

“I have a gut feeling he is talking to someone he should not be talking with.”

        It did not take long for Kaylin’s intuition to be verified when suddenly ‘The Winner’ trimmed its sails and began to make a move. She instantly gave the order to go two seconds before the humongous thunder of the cannon echoed across the water. Within a few seconds she glanced back across the stern to see all the other boats just beginning to advance, which gave Cleidermon and herself a good two boat length jump ahead of the rest. Kaylin looked at Sally and expressed her anger.

“That bastard was on the phone with the cannon personnel; they told him when to go.”

Sally nodded her head in agreement.

“It appears that was the case.”

        One hour into the tournament ‘Woman Scorned’ was ten yards behind ‘The Winner’, and forty yards off their port side. The team intensely focused on interpreting the flow of a steady eight-knot wind as they crashed over the top of two-foot waves coming at them in six second intervals. Kaylin glanced back at the other boats and noticed Captain Greg holding a close third, she gave a comical laugh when she saw the large black letters on the side of his Schooner that read ‘Juvenile Delinquent’. With all other boats far behind, it seemed to her that only three teams out of the thirty within the competition were serious about crossing the finish line first. Her team battled nature at an eighteen degree lean for the next two hours, holding tight to their second-place position.

        The wind was now deviating between seven and ten knots, giving the crew a workout in keeping a steady run. Kaylin knew to overtake ‘The Winner’, she must commit to bringing Woman Scorned dangerously close to capsizing.

Proud his teens were holding third, Greg squinted his eyes so to clearly focus on the boat directly in front of him when he noticed the tall, athletic, well developed blonde-haired goddess in her skimpy skin-colored bikini step upon the most upper part of the deck; extend her arms outward; lean her head back and closed her eyes as if connecting with the universe. Kaylin took a deep breath and surrendered herself to nature’s energy for a long moment while slowly exhaling, then glanced back at Sally and gave a quick nod. Sally instantly turned the winch, adjusting the sheets in order to slightly alter the sail, causing Woman Scorned to catch more wind and tilt over at a scary twenty-two-degree slant. As the sixty-foot Schooner slowly closed the gap, Captain Cleitermon realized Kaylin was starting to steal his wind, not only was the man angered, but a bit embarrassed he put himself in the position to where one of his favorite tricks was now being used against himself. He quickly ordered his team to trim the sails to keep their momentum and hold first place as he glared at the tall beauty holding one hand high in the air and staring out across the water towards the wind.

Kaylin had a psychic ability she kept secret, only sharing with the woman which she considered her mother, Sally; the voice of nature seemed to whisper its secrets to her, and when attuned she could see the movements of the wind. As nature’s tone increased, she saw a twenty-five-knot gust coming across the water, and turned to see her team focused on her as she dropped her hand. Cleitermon and Greg froze in astonishment for a moment when they witnessed the craziest thing they had ever witnessed. Woman Scorned instantly dropped her sails, causing the speeding boat to come to an abrupt halt as the powerful puff of wind blew across the deck. Before Cleitermon could react, the force from the gale hit solid against his sails, sending ‘The Winner’ over onto its side and tousling two team members into the drink. As fast as Woman Scorned had dropped her sails they were back up and the boat was once again skimming fast across the blue waters. ‘Juvenile Delinquent’ flew by ‘The Winner’ as it righted itself and began pulling the two men back on board. Even though the entire event took only a few seconds, Greg and his team were now a close second.

Five minutes from the win, Kaylin moved over to the helm beside Cathy and stood proud of what her team had just accomplished, then Sally stepped up and pointed out the bad news.

“You do realize Cleitermon will accuse you of cheating and protest your win.”

        Without looking her way, Kaylin nodded her head as she spoke disappointingly.

“Yeah, I know.”

        It was apparent, as Kaylin glanced around at each team member, that they also knew what the consequences of their actions would be. She looked back at the excited teenagers that were working hard to take first place, then turned her attention back to Sally, and with a smile she softly quoted her father.

“There are things in the universe more important than a trophy; tell Tat and Rachel, without being obvious, let ‘Juvenile Delinquent’ cross the finish line first.”

A Warm feeling of pride swept across the team of ‘Woman Scorned’, as they witnessed the five troubled teens on ‘Juvenile Delinquent’ jumping, high-fiving, and hugging each other when realizing they had just won the race.

        Late in the evening with the competition behind them, several captains, along with their teams, had gathered at the harbor’s restaurant. The winning trophy was the centerpiece of their table as Greg’s young team bolstered their win, and Kaylin greeted the man with a smile when he approached her group.

“Captain Kaylin, you were inexplicable today; like father, like daughter; I must say he is proudly smiling down on you.”

        She demonstrated a confused expression with her request.

“Um; I’m not sure what you are implying; please elaborate.”

        Greg carefully placed a hand on the table and leaned closer to the tall blonde and clarified.

“Miss McDowell, I was born on a sailboat; I can tell what you are thinking just by the way you trim the sail; what you did today will enhance the confidence of these young ones for a lifetime.”

When Kaylin responded, she confirmed his accusations with a caring smile.

“Captain Greg, I will be in touch; I am interested in sponsoring your 501-C3 organization.”

He gently shook her hand and hailed her before heading back to his rambunctious teens.

“You are a special kind of lady; I’m looking forward to your call.”

        As evening quickly turned to late night, Tat, along with her lover Rebeca, called it and headed for their motel room. Kaylin and Cathy stood in the lobby saying goodnight to Sally when Kaylin held onto Sally’s arm while asking about one of Greg’s comments.

“Mom, what did Greg mean by; like father; like daughter?”

        Her stepmother gave a loving smile as she gave up one of her father’s deepest secrets.

“A few times over the years your father gave up first place to him and his team.”

Kaylin’s voice grew louder as she questioned her accusation.

“Wait-wait-wait; every year Dad would show me the special place he made just for his trophy; now, you tell me he gave it up for a bunch of troubled teens?”

        Sally gave her a peck on the cheek; then, before turning and heading off toward her motel room, spoke the famous words the man they both loved always said.

“Yes Dear; there are things in the universe more important than a trophy.”

        Cathy grew concerned when she noticed a tear slipping down Kaylin’s cheek as she stood staring at Sally’s backside walking away.

“Hey, Girlfriend; are you okay?”

        The tall blonde goddess had a blank look on her face when she turned toward her bestie and whispered.

“I just realized; I didn't know my Dad at all.”

        Cathy wrapped her arm around Kaylin’s waist and steered her toward the Schooner.

“You knew him the way he wanted you to know him; now, we have a long journey tomorrow; so, come Love, it’s time for bed.”





        Monday afternoon, the warm breeze was a steady four-knots with a calm ocean as ‘Woman Scorned’ was an hour out from their home harbor in the Keys. Cathy laid nude out on the deck and closed the book she’d been reading, then gazed across the water. Kaylin stood at the helm watching the lovely redhead, then nervously inquired about the fictitious romance novel.

“Did you finish it?”

        Cathy sat up and gave a big smile as she replied.


        Now Kaylin was apprehensive concerning how the girl she deeply loved felt about the ending.


Cathy shrugged her shoulders and stipulated a somewhat disappointing response.

“Samantha and Pricilla lived happily ever after; I love happy endings;  I wish real life was that way.”

        Kaylin countered, then made a suggestion.

“Sometimes everything perfectly comes together; but we are getting close to shore, maybe we should put on our swimsuits.”

        As they tied the sixty-foot Schooner in place, it was obvious to the tall blond that the petite redhead was dispirited about the fact she had to face the adult chore of going home and packing up her things, then transporting them to the storage she had rented. Once they had their suitcases placed in the back of the Bronco and headed toward Cathy’s apartment, Kaylin kindly offered her assistance.

“I tell you what; let’s get a good night's rest, then I will come over tomorrow morning and help you move.”

        Cathy just nodded in agreement and kept silent the rest of the way home. Once the Bronco came to a stop in front of her apartment, Cathy slipped from the vehicle and turned with her cat-green eyes glazed over with water and whispered.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kaylin tried giving comfort with her reply.

“Hey, Girlfriend; I love you.”

        Before heading for the front door, Cathy attempted a smile as she responded.

“Yeah, I know; and I love you.”

        Kaylin perceived a desperate need for that tiny blemish on the ceiling above the sofa at Sally’s house, and quickly headed in that direction.

        After Sally had served tea and took her place alongside her baby girl, Kaylin kept her focus on the little spot while blurting out a statement.

“I need to get away for a while.”

Sally immediately requested more information.

“Can you elaborate a bit more on that?”

Without changing her focus, Kaylin quietly enunciated.

“My mind is so twisted up right now, I can’t even come up with one word to start a new book; I think I will sail over to the Bahamas for a month or two so to clear my head.”

        Sally’s next question caused Kaylin to turn and look her way.

“Are you going to ask Cathy to go along?”

Kaylin’s answer was more of a debate with herself.

“Mom, I said to clear my head, not distract myself even more; anyway, absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Sally loudly and firmly countered while ending with a demand.

“That is one of the biggest myths about love there is: I must insist you at least let her know; I mean, don’t you dare just leave that poor girl wondering.”

Kaylin put Sally’s worries to bed as she rose from the sofa.

“Yes Mom, I will; I’m going to help her move tomorrow, so I will tell her then; well, I need to go home and get some rest.”

        Cathy wiped a tear from her eye as she slowly retrieved the clothes from the dresser and arranged them into a suitcase, searching her psyche for what may have caused the universal energy to be so disgruntled with her; but the mental and physical exhaustion from the last few days had her in a daze. She had that same disintegrating anxiety she felt shortly after graduating college, when the court informed her that her parents were deep in debt, and by the time their estate was settled there was nothing left for her. Now, just like when her parents died, once again she was starting from ground zero, having to camp out on her sailboat until life's mysticism was rectified. She zipped up the overpacked luggage and placed it by the front door, then turned and stared at the bed for a moment and determined sleep was essential.

        At 9 am, the sun was well on its way to warming up the day, and Cathy had overslept. She was thankful Kaylin was also running late as she quickly jumped from her bed and scampered toward the bathroom for a desperately needed shower.

        Kaylin was a bit apprehensive when she parked her Bronco in front of Cathy’s apartment and took a deep breath to calm her nerves before heading for the door. She was greeted by her bestie wrapped in a towel with water still dripping from the tips of her long fire-engine-red hair. Cathy attempted a smile, then turned and started for the kitchen. Kaylin’s heart pounded within as she followed behind, captured by the two tiny firm butt cheeks peeking out from beneath the towel. Cathy poured herself a cup of coffee, then gazed up at the cabinets and spoke with a tremble in her voice.

“I just have a few things left to pack.”

Kaylin strolled up behind and lovingly wrapped her arms around the girl she desperately loved and softly spoke.

“Hey, Girlfriend; I need to tell you something.”

        Cathy slowly turned and stared up into the tall blonde’s hypnotizing sky-blue eyes without replying. She knew she was running on universal energy fumes and wasn’t sure she could handle any more bad news. Kaylin placed her hands on her shoulders as she explained her plans.

“You know I’ve had writers block for a while now, so I’m taking a little time to clear my head; I’m going to sail around the Bahamas; but I won’t be gone long.”

        Cathy could feel her knees shaking and the tears beginning to stream down her face. She quickly looked away and stared across the room and nodded her head. Kaylin softly vowed to her bestie she would be back soon.

“Hey, Sweetie; come on; I won’t be gone long, I promise.”

        It took the last drop of energy Cathy had to give her response through jagged breaths.

“I have read enough books to know how this story ends.”

        Kaylin felt the tears slipping from her own eyes while watching the tears flowing down the redhead’s cheek. It was as if the universe took control as she gently placed her finger under Cathy’s chin and her thumb against the front, then gently pried the cat-green eyes back in her direction and whispered.

“You know what? I have an idea.”

        Cathy had used up all the energy she had left, if she even tried to say the word “What” she knew she would collapse to the floor, wrap up in a ball, and start crying like a two-year-old. There was no way she could allow that to happen in front of the one person she so desperately wanted to respect her as an adult. She just silently stared into her sky-blue eyes, but the next words Kaylin whispered sparked the universal energy to flow back into the redhead’s cat-green eyes.

“Come sail with me.”

        Cathy’s eyes widened and she managed to squeeze out one word.


        With tears now streaming down both their faces, Kaylin softly nodded her head with words that opened the floodgate to the universal energy.

“We can make it our fourth date.”

        Cathy instantly rose up onto her tiptoes and firmly placed her hands on either side of Kaylin’s face, pulling her into a long erotic kiss. They let the tip of their tongues dance together for a moment before Cathy lowered herself back onto her heels, then snuggled into Kaylin’s warm embrace and loudly whispered.

“I was afraid you were never going to ask.”
